40+ Times Uber Drivers Surprised Their Clients

When you call for an Uber, all you really expect is a ride from one place to the other. However, sometimes when you get in, you may find some surprises you weren't expecting. From bringing a friend along for a ride to stocking up on supplies for their riders, some Uber drivers like to leave a lasting memory. Here are a few samples of times where Uber drivers surprised their clients!

Service Pet?

Uber does have a service where you share a ride with other riders. And sometimes that can be quite fun as you get to meet someone new. But sometimes, the rider may not even be human...

Service Pet?

Unless you are allergic, this could be a wonderful way to spend the time between destinations. After all, who doesn't want to pet a puppy for a few minutes? Sounds like a pretty cool ride to us!

Unique Décor

There are many ways that Uber drivers try to get those five-star ratings. Some drivers try to do it with their personality and by offering little extras like water and such. But other drivers surprised their riders by decorating their cars.

Unique Décor

This is especially great around holidays, and so when this rider got into the car, and their driver had decked it out for Halloween, they were especially happy. Wouldn't you be as well?


Driving for Uber is a good way to make a little money, whether it be a side hustle or your main gig. So sometimes, when a person gets to a new city, it seems like it might be a great option for them. Considering that they're a good driver and know the area well.


Otherwise, their riders might be surprised like this rider was when her Uber driver tried to drive down railroad tracks. That would definitely affect the driver's rating.

A Day in the Life

The last thing you want to do when you are in an Uber is leave something behind, especially if that's something in your purse or briefcase. If this happens to you, all you can do is hope and pray that you can get your property back.

A Day in the Life

This woman was surprised when she did get her purse back as the camera roll was filled with pictures of her purse and its adventure that day.