40+ Weird and Wild Facts We’ve Never Really Thought About

This article appeared in bigglobaltravel.com and has been published here with permission.
Internet Unavailable, Except When Loading Ads!

Our mind cooks up some very weird and wild facts when left idle at times – facts that sound like they are too strange at first, but you will realize how true they are. You can call these shower thoughts, as our idle minds cook up some of these ideas in the shower. Here are some weird and wild facts we’ve never really thought about!

Internet Unavailable, Except When Loading Ads!

If you are reading this, you are likely to be a frequent internet user. So, you probably know how frustrating it is when the internet is slow or lagging. Most likely, it may be a problem on the ISP’s end.

Internet Unavailable, Except When Loading Ads!

What is more frustrating is that content on the web pages will not load for you, but the adverts will! Few things can be as frustrating as slow internet, but it is worsened by the presence of what are otherwise irrelevant ads!

ASAP: A Threat in an Acronym

The term ASAP is quite common in today’s lingo, especially in classrooms and offices. Saying “as soon as possible” is a rather mild way of getting a message. However, when used as an acronym, it sounds a lot more intimidating.

ASAP: a Threat in an Acronym

Imagine your boss sends you an email asking you to submit a report “ASAP.” This drives home a sense of urgency and possibly puts you in panic mode to get the task done. It is ironic when you think about what the acronym actually stands for.

Think of the Children!

Picture the last time someone from the last generation is using “Think of the children” as an argument. More likely than not, it’s not a very logical argument. This is caused by the lack of reality in their train of thought.

Think of the Children!

Many wrongs in this world would have never happened if these same people actually thought of the children. Yet, this point is used very frequently and actively by just about anyone elderly today for the most ill-placed discussions.

Colors? No Time for That!

Most of us used to be very meticulous about choosing the candy or ice pops. Never did we realize that the signs of adulthood started to show when we stopped caring about the colors and just relished the treat we had or were given.

Colors? No Time for That!

This is a sign of maturity when you think about it – when we stop caring about how the things we want to look like and just like them for being able to serve their purpose.