40+ Awful Parenting Life Hacks That No One Should Try

Kids — can’t live with them, can’t live without them. So, with that, comes parenting life hacks. We don’t recommend any parent try these hacks but you will surely get a good laugh out of them.

Guide to Getting Chores Done

Even adults struggle to get chores done from time to time; it’s no surprise that kids don’t find it a party either. However, living with lazy kids isn’t an ideal situation. You would obviously want them to help around the house. It’s the method by which parents are getting their kids to do chores that concerns us.

Guide to Getting Chores Done

The Occasional Hiding

Parents, we will give you a moment of relief. No, you shouldn’t feel guilty about hiding out in the closet from time to time to escape your chaotic family. You shouldn’t feel bad about sneakily eating a chocolate bar. You deserve to have a life!

The Occasional Hiding

If you want to eat snacks without your kids asking for a bite, you get to do it. Of course, you wouldn’t be able to get it done the easy way out. They’re kids — being needy is kind of their thing. You improvise. Lettuce ftw!

Unique Solutions 101

It’s normal for households to have a limit on screen time. No parents would want their kids’ eyes stuck to their laptops, phones, or tablets the entire day. This is a dangerous territory to tread. Your kids might hit you with the “I’m bored. What should I do?”

Unique Solutions 101

You could answer vaguely with something along the lines of “go do your homework” or “play outside.” Sometimes, though, it’s not enough. You have to let them get their way. Or, you can add a twist to it. Let them read from the TV, not watch.

Controlling the Swing

We understand the thought and mechanism behind this hack, but similar to most others on the list, it’s neither functional nor safe. Kids deserve their parents’ attention. We think your beverage can wait.

Controlling the Swing

If you absolutely need to rest at any moment, simply spend time with your kids later. Multitasking is a great job, but only when it’s done properly. We can think of so many things that could go wrong in this picture, ultimately injuring the child.