40+ People Share the Odd Things Their Cheap Parents Made Them Do as Kids

40+ People Share the Odd Things Their Cheap Parents Made Them Do as Kids

Undeniably, it can be difficult for some people to make ends meet. For those individuals, it’s understandable that they’re cautious of the money they spend. However, there are others out there that look to pinch pennies even if they don’t need to. For the children of these types of parents, it’s probably pretty embarrassing. We’ve compiled a few bizarre stories people have shared about the odd things their parents made them do as kids — or that they themselves did — that was super embarrassing!

Free Soap

There are many companies that offer free stuff when they come to your home with a demo presentation. If they’re in the same industry, you may find the same extra goodies being offered.

Free Soap

And that’s how this dad was able to always stay stocked up on bar soap. The fact that he was able to work the system may make him a cheapskate, but it also shows some quick thinking too!

Hop Off

When you’re traveling as a family, there’s no shame in trying to find a good deal. However, if that good deal comes at the expense of your child, maybe it’s better to just move on. This mom really wanted to see the sights.

Hop Off

To make that happen, she lied about her sons’ ages. Needless to say, she didn’t get the reduced price in the process of embarrassing her two kids.

Keep it Together

There are many dads out there that prescribe to the idea that duct tape can fix anything. This includes parts of the car. Why worry about paying someone to fix the car, or getting a new one, if the only thing wrong is a few pieces falling off?

Keep it Together

Although, as the kid of this dad, it had to be pretty embarrassing driving around in this car. We even bet he had dad drop him off a block away from school to keep people from seeing it.

Bon Appétit

There may be reasons why the wicked stepmother trope has become ingrained in our collective consciousness. This stepmother sure was trying to keep her household costs down, and chose to do it at the expense of her stepkids.

Bon Appétit

It had to be pretty horrible to have to deal with this type of environment. Also, how did the dad let this happen? After all, those were his kids, and she was making them eat diced tomatoes for dinner!