40+ Times People Saw Infuriating ‘Choosing Beggars’ in Action
The world is full of all sorts of people: the brave, the foolish, the witty, you name it. Unfortunately, it is also full of the most ridiculously entitled people in all of existence. You can find most of these people somewhere on the internet, which is what we are going to talk about today: here are some choosing beggars so asininely entitled, that we can’t tell whether to laugh or shake our heads in disgust.
The Real Charge
We can understand why people feel displeased with the average cost of things like car repair. After all, a skilled mechanic can do many things quite quickly, so why do they have to charge so much?
Well, as this piece of paper so aptly says, it’s not about the time: it’s the skill and experience of several years that allows the mechanic (or any other craftsman) to perform the task so quickly. After all, if time was the only thing one needed to get the job done, you could do it yourself!
Calling the Kettle Black
If someone else is paying for your meal because you aren’t willing to pay for it, you don’t have a leg to stand on in complaining about what they get you. Seems pretty entitled considering that one person is willing to pay while the other isn’t.
If you aren’t willing to or can’t pay for a meal, you take what you can get! Beggars can’t be choosers unless someone allows them to be. That said, most people don’t.
Expecting the Impossible
When you go to a fast-food joint, you should expect your food to arrive in a somewhat timely fashion. However, that is highly dependent on how much food you are asking for. One meal for one person? Sure. Four meals? OK. But sixty-three? That’s a bit of a stretch.
In fact, we daresay that getting more than five dozen footlong sandwiches in just a little over an hour is pretty darn speedy for any Subway. You would think these people would be impressed, but evidently not.
Some Major Depreciation
When you buy something from someone else, you don’t generally expect to pay them as much as they paid for it at the store. After all, in a situation such as that, you could just buy it from the store to start with, right?
Still, it stands to reason that you at least pay a reasonable fraction of the store price. Literally, about 2-3% of the total cost is definitely not what we would consider reasonable. Naturally, the person selling this computer didn’t think so either.