40+ Clever Holiday Hacks That Will Make This Festive Time of Year Unforgettable

X // @harborfarm

Now that it’s officially the season of holidays and festivities, there are tons of things to plan beforehand. Christmas may be the year’s most anticipated event, meaning everyone will want to make it extra special. You know what sucks the fun out of stuff? Being low on budget or struggling to perfect the decor. This is where we have to get a little crafty!

Lamps of Many Sizes

The Christmas tree is the main attraction of the big day. You may argue that it’s the amazing smell of food wafting through the air on the morning of Christmas or the part where you get to exchange gifts, but the tree will be the first thing that you’ll look at for the entire time.

Pinterest // Jana Borelon

There are many unique decorations to bedazzle your precious tree, and then there are the handy tricks! Hang two sets of fairy lights with different-sized lamps to highlight all the bits of the tree.

Instant Gift Wrapping

There’s no shame in admitting that many of us have sometimes completely forgotten about Christmas shopping. It’s understandable; amidst the planning, we wouldn’t blame you if you forgot to buy presents for your loved ones.

(Left) Pinterest // Martha Stewart | (Right) Pinterest // Brooklyn Bride

However, wrapping gifts in a time constraint is anything but a simple task, especially for an amateur. Try this if you don’t have fancy wrapping paper to hide your trash-wrapping skills. Wrap up your gift in regular paper, cut out half of a Christmas tree shape on it, and bend it outwards.

Making Decorative Snowflakes

Making snowflakes out of paper is one of the most classic decorations out there. Not only do they fit the theme perfectly, but they’re also super easy to make. How about you spice things up a bit this time and try making decorative snowflakes out of glue?

Pinterest // Ideas en 5 Minutos Chicas

You can get creative with the shape and details and also color it however you want. Plus, if there are kids, they’re sure to love it. Stimulate kids’ imagination with this fun DIY idea.

Using Leftover Wrapping Paper

Ah, the one with all the leftover wrapping paper. It can be easy to get carried away while buying wrapping paper when you’re not exactly sure how much you’ll need. This is why most people have an excess of wrapping paper after packing their presents.

Pinterest // Candace Crew

There is no reason why one can’t get creative and do something fancy with them! These wrapping paper cone trees make excellent abstract pieces for anywhere around the way. Learn how to make them in some simple steps here.