30 Shocking Truths Behind These Everyday Myths

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People often believe things not because they’ve been scientifically proven to be correct but simply because that’s what they were told. Many everyday myths hold no truth, but people all over the world assume that they are correct. If you trust easily, some everyday myths might surprise you. Let’s examine the truth behind these everyday myths that you may even still believe to this day.

Overcharging Damages Your Phone

This is one of the biggest technologically related myths that people often debate. Many believe overcharging will damage their phones, specifically their phone batteries. However, smartphones have been designed to stop charging when they are full.

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Due to this everyday myth, people have always been careful about keeping their phones on charge for long periods. However, phones charge until they are complete, and then as they drop in percentage, they recharge until they are full again.

Lightning Loves Your Phone

We’ve all heard the warning — don’t use your phone in a thunderstorm. Our phones work on electric waves that will make them magnetic-like for lightning, and using them should be avoided.

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Our phones work on radio waves that do not correlate with lightning currents. This means there are no increased odds that lightning will strike your phone while you use it. If you need to take a call during a thunderstorm, you can do so without fear of being electrocuted.

Cleopatra, the Egyptian Beauty

Even today, people all over the world are inspired by the mystery and beauty of Cleopatra. She inspires paintings, TV series, and even book characters. Many people still dress up as this well-known and admired beauty for Halloween. People are still obsessed with Cleopatra.

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She was a woman of many talents and fluent in many languages, including Aramaic, Greek, and Egyptian. That’s why it’s surprising to hear that she wasn’t Egyptian. Contrary to popular belief, the iconic beauty was Greek. Not that it should matter — her beauty and talents should speak for themselves.

Napoleon’s Height: The Short of It

It’s widely known that the Frenchman was relatively short. In fact, people often comment on his extreme shortness. However, this needs to be more accurate. Historians claim that the French titan was at least 5’6, which is average for Frenchmen.

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While 5 feet 6 inches is perfectly normal, we can’t help but wonder why the myth was born. Historians believe that it all started with measurement inaccuracies of the time. French and British measuring systems differed so much at the time that this could have led to the British believing he was more than a foot shorter.