40+ Funny Tweets About Boomers That Are Ridiculously Brutal, But True

This article appeared in Cleverclassic and has been published here with permission.

Funny Boomer Tweets That Are Brutal, but True

In society today, there’s a multi-generational workforce and populations that have to live together despite their differences. Because of these differences, though, some pretty humorous tweets get out there, especially when relating to the much older generation of baby boomers. So we pulled together a bunch of those tweets so that you can have a little chuckle and get an idea of what the younger generations think of boomers.

New Savings Plan

The boomer generation is all about saving money and keeping it so that you can feel financially secure. Though this is a trait of their generation, that doesn’t mean that the generations that followed them don’t know how to save money.

New Savings Plan

Though this is definitely a boomer thing, we kind of feel it a little bit. Those Starbucks coffees are quite expensive, and after a while, it does take a toll on your bank account.

Zoom In

The baby boomer generation didn’t have a lot of access to technology until much later in life. They tend to fall behind when it comes to technological advances and understanding how to use them.

Zoom In

That being said, it can still be quite frustrating, especially when you have it over and over again. So we understand why this person might be pretty irritated about having to do that repeatedly and listen to all the complaints, as they do so.

I’m Lost

The main gripe of the younger generations when it comes to boomers is their lack of education regarding technology. Though we all should probably be a little more understanding, as they didn’t get technology till they were well into their forties, it’s still quite frustrating.

I’m Lost

Although, it is a little annoying when you realize they have problems sending pictures to let people know where they’re at.

Looking For the Right One

Nowadays, you’re not using the text feature right when you send a message to someone if it doesn’t include at least a few emojis. Younger generations feel, in fact, that some of their messages should be emoji-filled.

Looking For the Right One

It’s pretty sad to watch someone of a certain age as they scroll through the different categories trying to find just the one, so we have to give them some credit; at least they’re using the technology.

Worse Off

Every generation thinks that their generation is the best one. Boomers, though, tend to really think this and they let everybody know. But when you think about it, are they any better than the other generations?

Worse Off

One of the biggest complaints older generations have is about the economy, but the truth is that they’re directly related to the issue and need to take their portion of the blame.

Just Some Advice

It’s inevitable that previous generations will try to give individuals life advice, especially when dealing with money. But you have to be cautious because of your age, which could be a problem, especially if you’re a boomer.

Just Some Advice

When you’re young, it’s hard to take advice from older generations. If we wanted someone who was incessantly bugging us about all these situations, we would’ve stuck around and hung out with our parents more. All of this can be very overwhelming and unnecessary.

Avocado Toast!

As an older generation that’s more in tune with financial matters, boomers tend to want to give young people all their wisdom. Though this can be very nice, it can also be very frustrating when their financial advice is something like this.

Avocado Toast!

It’s even more frustrating when someone gives you this advice and then just does whatever they want. Clearly, they’re the “do as I say, not as I do” people!

Baby Boomer Economics

Money is always a situation that requires a little bit of finesse in order to really be successful in life. Everybody has their own needs and desires that others often don’t see in the same way.

Baby Boomer Economics

Because of baby boomers’ lifestyles, they have a different outlook on financial security. What they think it’s like definitely isn’t what the younger generations think it’s like.

Their Own Language

Sometimes, everything goes wrong in communication. Every generation has unique sayings and phrases, which can be very frustrating when you’re trying to communicate on an intergenerational basis.

Their Own Language

The problem is that most boomers don’t want to adapt, making it even harder to communicate with them. All they would have to do is try a little bit, and then everything might get better.

Take it Away

Social media is a tool that everybody uses, no matter what generation you’re in. There is, however, a generational gap regarding which platforms people utilize. Most of the time, baby boomers rely on Facebook as it was their first major social media platform.

Take it Away

So we’re pretty sure this person is right. Maybe all of social media would get back to being a little more normal if Facebook wasn’t so readily available for boomers.


Often, there’s a weird dichotomy in certain aspects. When it comes to topics of conversation, this duality is prevalent in many older generations.


This person hit the nail right on the head! You can have them railing against Starbucks, TikTok, or other social media one minute and the next minute talking about more important things like politics. It could get very confusing!

Better Place

Most friction between baby boomers and other generations is in the workplace. This is because they have different work ethics and ideas of what a workplace should look like.

Better Place

If you’re primarily a younger generational business and you have a baby boomer in your midst, it might feel like it would be a better place if they leave.

Casual Dress Code

When baby boomers were growing up, work was a place where you dressed well. Typically, this meant slacks and a button-up shirt, but times have changed and work environments have become more casual.

Casual Dress Code

Fashion trends change as time progresses, so millennials are more likely to embrace the idea of wearing hoodies to work. That’s okay because baby boomers don’t have to wear hoodies themselves. They just have to understand that times have changed and so have attitudes towards what’s acceptable.


Not at all baby boomers are the same, and sometimes they find themselves intermingling with the other generations in a much easier way. But those who do, have to be careful because sometimes other baby boomer friends will have something to say about it.


But we’re not quite sure this guy has it right. We do understand where he’s coming from, it can be rough when a baby boomer starts taking on other trends from younger generations.

Long Log-In

Technology is the bane of many baby boomers’ existence. If they aren’t in a field where they have to get used to it in a hurry, sometimes even the smallest thing can take forever. But two hours for a login seems a little ridiculous.

Long Log-In

We probably would’ve given up about 45 minutes into it if we were this person. After all, a walkthrough and prompts tell them how to do it. We’re not sure why they needed help in the first place.

Print it Out

Sometimes, the hardest thing for baby boomers to understand is that things change and you don’t have to do things the same way you used to. Sure, when computers first came out, you had to print everything but now that’s not necessary.

Print it Out

We agree that keeping hold of old-fashioned things can lead to more complications than necessary. We just hope the boomers can figure this out.

Worst Generation

The boomer generation is large, so they bear the brunt of many things. They went through a lot of crises and have done things that have left the world in a state that’s not very welcoming for future generations.

Worst Generation

Because of this, we agree they may be the worst generation ever. In fact, we’re pretty positive they take the first place prize.

No Competition

Okay, so the climate is bad, the economy ebbs and flows like everything else, and the state of the world when it comes to the local community is a little rough. Because baby boomers have a larger population, they are directly responsible for much of this.

No Competition

That being said, maybe we shouldn’t be so hard on them. After all, they were just doing what they thought they needed to, and hopefully, some of them can see where things went wrong.

Where’s the Compensation?

It can’t have been easy for those who grew up in a house with a baby boomer parent. This is because they often contradicted themselves when they were raising you and left you a little unsure of what was going on. In turn, this could potentially have caused some pretty serious issues.

Where’s the Compensation?

So we completely agree with this woman that there should be some sort of compensation from those of us that baby boomer parents raised.


One of the biggest insults that baby boomers throw at the younger generations is the fact that they think they’re lazy. The truth is that millennials and other generations aren’t lazy; they just have a different lifestyle, which may look lazy to a baby boomer.


This is pretty accurate when creating a comparison list between millennials and baby boomers. When looking at both generations, one looks a little more productive than the other.

Cash or Card?

It’s not just a baby boomer thing; sometimes, it’s hard to break old habits. When these people were growing up, they didn’t have credit cards or ATM cards like we do today. Everything was done with cash.

Cash or Card?

But that doesn’t mean you aren’t annoyed when you pull up to a self-checkout and the person in front of you pays with cash. It might be time for them to get with the program.

Wrong Finger

The truth is there’s no wrong or right way to text. Although if you’re someone from a younger generation, that may not be the truest statement for you. Most millennials and other generations choose to use their thumbs to text.

Wrong Finger

It might seem annoying to you, but we think this person should just go ahead and let baby boomers have it the way they want. It doesn’t matter how they text, just that they’re actually texting.


When computers were first sold, many icons on the desktop had to be double-clicked. This was a sign of the times, and because boomers did it, they often still double-click.


It’s not hurting anybody, so we think this person is just being a little petty. However, it could get kind of annoying if they’re constantly double-clicking, especially in a quiet office.

Lick It

The human mouth is a germ magnet. That’s why many people, nowadays, have stopped using their fingers and licking them to pull apart bags or handle cash. But the baby boomer generation doesn’t seem to understand that.

Lick It

It’s one thing if you’re doing it to flip through your own papers, but when you do it to papers that you’re going to give to someone else, then we have a problem with the boomer.

Who Is That?

Celebrities come and go, and when you’re a boomer, you’ve been through many of them. You may not be able to keep up with all the new celebrities, or you may not want to. We happen to think that’s okay.

Who Is That?

But if you’re going to take that route, then you have to be okay with not knowing who the person is in the article you’re reading. Because asking us over and over again just irritates us!


One of the coolest things to do is pick up your laptop and head down to the new trendy cafe to sit there and work. This is what many of the younger generations do on a daily basis.


But it can be quite annoying when you’re trying to get work done, and you look up to find a member of the baby boomer generation wandering around trying to figure out what’s going on.

To Jail

There are a lot of sayings that boomers have when it comes to the younger generations. Some of them are quite irritating, and maybe one of the most irritating is that they always talk about sending people to jail.

To Jail

This might be why many places have a problem with overpopulation in their prisons. Because the boomer generation thinks that’s the answer to everything

No Cursive

Up until the mid-90s, cursive was standard. This is because it was the proper way for adults to write. But that’s changed with the digital age, so boomers need to understand cursive is no longer important.

No Cursive

Just like the person says here, it’s more of a digital age, and it seems that boomers need to get on board with it.

Here’s a Dollar

Though it can be said that every generation complains about the other one, it does seem that the baby boomer generation tends to complain just a bit more. They have very outward opinions on how the younger generations’ lives are going.

Here’s a Dollar

It could be true that if this person had a dollar for every time a boomer said something like that, they’d be pretty rich. Maybe they’d even be able to buy that house!


Trends in fashion and home design go the way of generations, just like everything else. Everything has its time and it’s very clear that millennials don’t understand why others choose to do something like this.


We agree we wouldn’t want to cover up the hardwood floor with horrible carpet. Not only is the hardwood floor easier to maintain, but it also looks nicer.

Simple Life

Many boomers look at the lifestyle of the generations today and think they have it very easy. In some aspects, they may be right. But the truth is that there are important things that are more difficult for the generations after them.

Simple Life

So we think they should stop saying this. They need to understand they had it better when finding the key things, like a job and a home.

So Picky!

Not only do baby boomers think that the younger generations are lazy, but they also tend to call them disrespectful. But we think they have that all wrong. We agree with this person that every generation is disrespectful in their own way.

So Picky!

For boomers, that translates to being very picky and demanding, regarding customer service. You don’t have to be so mean or so picky when it comes to things!

Beanbags Rock!

Old school offices always had desks and uncomfortable chairs. But with social studies and research about creating a more hospitable work environment, many companies have created more comfortable offices.

Beanbags Rock!

If that contains a beanbag chair, then so be it. This boomer just needs to get over it, relax, and allow themselves to be comfortable in one of those cushy seats. Of course, fair wages would be even better!

Keep the Change

Food service workers often work for tips. The wages aren’t great, therefore, many of the younger generations tip at least 10%. But the boomer generation isn’t quite as free with their money.

Keep the Change

Whether they grew up in a less stable economy or not, they often just say that they’ll just keep the change. This is almost disrespectful and we think they need to really prescribe to the traditional method of tipping.

Just Left it There

Though the boomer generation likes to point out that the younger generations have it easy and that makes them lazy, there are still some things that boomers do that we could also point out. For instance, how often have you seen a shopping cart randomly get left wherever it was?

Just Left it There

This is just rude and disrespectful to the people working at the store. We hope that boomers understand this and will start putting their carts back where they belong.

Run Forrest

The movie Forrest Gump was a spectacular hit in the movie theater. But when many young generations look back at it now, all they see is this baby boomer who says everything is wrong with younger generations.

Run Forrest

The movie is great, but boomers need to realize that they’re being a little hypocritical when they point out all the flaws in younger generations.

Swipe It

Boomers have a lot of issues in understanding technology. This may frustrate them and make them overdo things, like swiping their card more than once. Or swiping it at the wrong time, which doesn’t help anything.

Swipe It

We get this customer service worker’s frustration. After all, you can’t pay for something you haven’t bought, so boomers just need to be a little more patient. After all, you’re not going anywhere yet, and being patient can mean allowing you to experience a good conversation.


AOL was all the rage when the internet first came out. Everyone wanted an AOL email, but nowadays, there are so many other options and ones that run better. Why anyone would stick with this antiquated e-mail is beyond us!


Sure, maybe there’s a nostalgic feeling towards it. Maybe we can understand, but we think baby boomers need to just update and maybe step forward to a Hotmail address.

Here’s the PDF

It’s one thing to have opinions about a generation’s work ethic and how they portray themselves. Though it’s not great to be judgmental, we understand every generation does it to the other. But if you’re going to be like that, maybe you shouldn’t ask for help.

Here’s the PDF

Baby boomers who treat younger generations as if they’re inferior should think twice. We think they need just to be a little nicer, and guess what? We’d be more than willing to help you print out that PDF!

Indoors or Outdoors

Sometimes, it seems like baby boomers just like to complain – regardless of whether or not there’s anything to complain about. Millennials are inside playing video games? They’re so lazy! Millennials are outside playing Pokemon Go? We don’t want them here!

Indoors or Outdoors

No matter what millennials do, indoors or outdoors, baby boomers will still complain. Maybe stand with one foot inside and the other foot outside and see if that works for them? They’ll probably still find some way to be annoyed by it.

Moving Out

Moving out of one’s childhood home is becoming more and more difficult as the housing market gets continuously worse. It’s not like millennials are living with their parents because they don’t want to do their own laundry, it’s that they genuinely can’t afford their own homes!

Moving Out

Rather than being sympathetic or trying to help, baby boomers speak to cash-strapped millennials in a condescending manner. With that perspective, it shouldn’t really surprise anyone that there’s some tension between the generations.

Pet Rocks

Pet rocks were all the rage back in the day and the guy that invented them literally became a millionaire. Yes, baby boomers were actually buying pet rocks rather than taking rocks from the street and drawing faces on them.

Pet Rocks

On the one hand, we respect the hustle of this businessman who managed to get rich by selling something people can have for free. On the other hand, this does make us question what his customers were thinking.

Ring Ring

To be honest, we don’t really understand all the hate surrounding cell phones. People act like the only things phones are good for are social media and selfies. In reality, people could be using their phones for maps, scheduling appointments, talking to their loved ones, and other such baby boomer-approved activities.

Ring Ring

Cell phones are unbelievably useful and multi-purpose, they can even save lives! So why’s there all this hate for phones from the older generations?

A for Effort

If you don’t try something, then you’ll never know whether or not you could’ve done it. Sure, sometimes you need to admit defeat, but what’s wrong with taking a moment to go for your dreams?

A for Effort

Baby boomers spent so much time and energy teaching millennials that they could be anything, it seems a bit hypocritical to now assume that everyone must live a cookie-cutter life. It’s especially confusing because so many boomers are unhappy with their jobs and lifestyles. So wouldn’t they want the next generation to try something different?

Swapping Lives

We’d most definitely watch this reality show and any other content the OP may come up with. Not only would this program be incredibly entertaining but it’d also inspire some much-needed empathy between generations.

Swapping Lives

Let’s see baby boomers act all high and mighty toward millennials when they have to make do in the average Joe’s life. It also might be nice for millennials to learn about the challenges boomers face – if there are any.

40+ Facts About Our Favorite Musicians That Are 100% True

If you want to impress your crush by telling them some facts they’ve never heard before about their favorite artists, then you’re in the right place! We’ve done thorough and in-depth research on the authenticity of these facts…

Freddy Mercury and Princess Di

Suppose you met Princess Diana and she insisted that she stay with you a little longer. Could you ever in your right mind say no to her? Freddie Mercury certainly couldn’t when Diana asked him just that. And so, he disguised her highness and snuck her into a bar so she could stay without getting recognized.

Freddy Mercury and Princess Di

Dolly Parton Lost

How would you feel if you failed at being yourself out in public? We have no idea how Dolly Parton must have felt but here’s what happened to her — she decided to enter one of those competitions in which people do impressions of celebrities.

Dolly Parton Lost

Out of the abundance of her excitement, she decided to exaggerate some of her core features. For instance, she went for bigger hair volume, which seemed unrealistic — plus a bigger beauty mark. And in the end, she lost.

Mariah Carey’s Ugly Break-Up

Oftentimes, things can get messy when there’s a break-up involved. Sometimes people can go a little overboard and put you through real trouble. Take Mariah Carey’s ex, for instance.

Mariah Carey’s Ugly Break-Up

He decided to swipe one of her pre-recorded audio samples with JLo and released a remix version before the original hit the market. That’s next-level evil in our opinion.

Brian May Is an Intellectual

If you resonate with Brian May with music, then we have a bomb from the stars for you. Though we all know him as a member of Queen, the world used to know him in a different way. Before joining the band, Brian was an astrophysicist.

Brian May Is an Intellectual

Not only this, he later completed his doctorate and finished his Ph.D. in the respective field. How cool is it that Brian chased his dreams whilst simultaneously working on the things he loved to do? So inspiring!

Panic! at the Disco

Originally a pop-rock band from Las Vegas, Panic! at the Disco was formed in 2004 by childhood friends Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, and Brent Wilson.

Panic! at the Disco

There’s something you might have known about these guys, though. Before forming their current band, the members covered vocals for Blink 182 from time to time. Once they launched their debut album as Panic! at the Disco, however, there was no going back.

Alice Cooper’s Love Affair

We’ve all heard the saying — “there’s more than meets the eye.” Did you know that Alice Cooper has a hidden talent, for example?

Alice Cooper’s Love Affair

This singer used to be a huge golf fan. He loved playing golf so much so that he used it as a way to save himself anytime life threw a curveball his way. Not only this, but he also released a book about playing golf entitled Golf Monster: My 12 Steps to Becoming a Golf Addict.

Gene Simmons Was a Teacher?!

Some musicians hold onto a certain type of past that’s very hard to imagine or envision. Now, we don’t say this negatively. What we’re trying to say is that people can be surprising sometimes. Gene Simmons is a prime example.

Gene Simmons Was a Teacher?!

Kiss’s vocalist and bass player, Gene Simmons, used to be a sixth-grade teacher before he co-founded the band. That’s right — Simmons, who took on the persona of comic-book style character “the Demon” used to teach pre-teens before his musical career took off.

Roger Taylor Really Loves His Car

Despite the fact that adults are grown, they can still act like kids sometimes — and this includes musicians. Did you know that Queen has one song entirely written by drummer Roger Taylor? The name of that song is “I Am in Love With My Car.”

Roger Taylor Really Loves His Car

He wanted the band to play his song at the opera and although the other members didn’t agree at first, Roger was extremely persistent. So much so that he decided to lock himself in a cupboard until the rest of the band finally agreed.

Lynyrd Skynyrd Has a Nemesis

The name behind the band’s name has a hilarious back story. So, the band members have a gym teacher back in high school who constantly punished the kids during their time in high school.

Lynyrd Skynyrd Has a Nemesis

So, when they opened a band, they decided to name it after their gym teacher and nemesis, Leonard Skinner. To avoid lawsuits, they tactically changed a few letters in the band name.

Will Farquarson Is Sky High

Can’t remember where you recognize Will Farquarson from? He’s the bassist of the band, Bastille. Other than being passionate about music and guitar, this musician has a mad passion for flying planes — so much so that he even has a professional pilot’s license.

Will Farquarson Is Sky High

Talk about an impressive feat! What’s next, Will? Are you going to play the bass while flying a plane? Hmm, on the second thought, we don’t recommend doing that.

David Bowie’s Teenage Brawl

We don’t know about you but some of us have always thought that David Bowie had heterochromia iridium — two different colored eyes. It turns out, that wasn’t the case. Luckily, we do know the real reason behind his distinctively different eyes.

David Bowie’s Teenage Brawl

After a fight as a teenager, Bowie suffered from anisocoria, a condition that causes the pupils to differ in size. So, in reality, Bowie had two blue eyes, but the pupil in his right eye was much larger than the left.

Jerry Lee Lewis’ Third Marriage

Sometimes, people aren’t all they seem to be. Jerry Lee Lewis is one of the most talented musicians of all time. He was a singer and a songwriter with “great balls of fire!” Ha, get it? Anyway, what you may have not known about the energetic musician is that he married his cousin.

Jerry Lee Lewis’ Third Marriage

Before you start cringing, though, we have more to reveal. Jerry’s cousin was a minor when they exchanged vows! When they got married, she was just 13 years old. What?!

Freddie Mercury vs. M.J.

Did you know that Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury once recorded a few duets together? The reason we’ve never been able to listen to these tracks is due to the fact that the two powerhouses had a fallout during their collaboration.

Freddie Mercury vs. M.J.

Apparently, Michael decided to bring his pet llama to the recording studio. That’s when Freddie called up his manager, Miami, and asked him “to get me out of here. I’m recording with a llama… I’ve had enough and I want to get out.”

The Beatles’ Natural Talent

When it comes to music, people still worship The Beatles regardless of the time that’s passed by. This band hasn’t aged one bit and probably never will. In 2021, they’re as popular as ever!

The Beatles’ Natural Talent

Something that you may have never noticed is the fact that none of the members knew how to read or write music. They wrote out words and chords to remember their tunes, but when it came to writing music for others to play, that was left to arrangers at sheet music publishing companies.

Rick Allen Never Gave Up

For many musicians, their love for music is eternal; nothing could ever stop them from making music or pursuing a career in it. Some musicians still pursue a life in music regardless of what they go through or the tragedies they face.

Rick Allen Never Gave Up

Take Rick Allen, for instance. A horrible car crash led to him losing his left arm. Did that stop him from playing the drums? Of course not! After two years of physical therapy, Allen got back in the game. We have a new level of respect for this guy!

Freddie Mercury’s Overbite

People identify Freddie Mercury without his overbite. His overbite defines him but did you know the secret behind them? The famous overbite of Freddie Mercury was caused by four extra teeth that he had. Surprisingly, the singer wanted to get rid of them by removing them completely.

Freddie Mercury’s Overbite

Sadly, his dentist informed him that the whole procedure would cost him a lot — meaning that there would be changes to his overall vocals if he gets them removed. Then Freddie decided to hold that thought and abort the mission.

Ringo Starr Lent His Voice

It’s not uncommon for musicians to lend their voices to animated characters in certain shows or even advertisements! Ringo Starr, for example, was the first narrator for Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends, narrating the first two series and playing Mr. Conductor on Shining Time Station.

Ringo Starr Lent His Voice

Now, does his voice ring(o) a bell? It turns out that he’s not the only icon who has played a character on the show. In fact, comedian George Carlin, actors Alec Baldwin and Pierce Brosnan, and even actress Gwyneth Paltrow have all voiced characters on the show!

Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez: YouTube Sensations

Do you think the beloved Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez first rose to fame with tracks like “Get Back” and “Falling Down?” It turns out that isn’t the case at all. The former BFFs started out as young YouTubers back in the day — well, after they starred on Barney & Friends together.

Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez: YouTube Sensations

Together, they created YouTube videos and mainly posted them from Demi’s account. So, if you’re currently posting your songs on YouTube, you might have a shot in the future as well. Don’t lose hope!

Prince Played Ball

Did you know that Prince had other talents besides his incredible music ability? And while we can all agree that talent coursed through his veins, you may find it a bit surprising to learn that Prince used to be a basketball player — and he was good, too!

Prince Played Ball

His former coach once spoke about him and how he used to play. According to the guy, Prince was extremely clever and quick on his feet. What’s more, his coach considered the icon to be an excellent leader as well.

Twenty One Pilots

Have you ever wondered how Twenty One Pilots came up with their name? It turns out that the name of the band came from a play the band members watched once.

Twenty One Pilots

Long story short, lead vocalist Tyler Joseph got inspired by a play in which a bad decision caused the demise of — you guessed it — 21 pilots. A great tribute to the incident. Good work there, Tyler.

Stevie Nicks/Prince Collaboration

Many musicians are friends and even collaborate with each other. While fans absolutely love this, these collaborations can sometimes be a bit too draining for musicians.

Stevie Nicks/Prince Collaboration

Stevie Nicks, for example, was supposed to write “Purple Rain” for Prince. She later declined the opportunity as, according to the singer herself, it was too much for her during that time.

Elvis’ Iconic Jet-Black Hair

What do you think Elvis’ hair color was back in the day? Jet-black, right? Well, we’re here to reveal that iconic, jet-black hair wasn’t natural. His actual hair color or natural shade was blonde until his late teens.

Elvis’ Iconic Jet-Black Hair

He later dyed it black. Guess what he used to dye his hair the first time? Shoe polish. Later, he started using black hair dye.

The Zombies Impersonators

Bands often fall apart or break up. It’s very natural for famous bands like The Zombies with even the most record-breaking hits to break up at some point. We’ve all seen it before. What we haven’t seen, though, is people pretending to be them.

The Zombies Impersonators

So, after the band fell apart, some people went on a tour pretending to be the band members and got caught almost immediately. A fun fact is that those members later opened their band and continued playing.

Richie Havens’ Improvisation

When we hear the name, one of Richie Haven’s famous songs instantly ring in our heads and that is “Freedom.” This song was way ahead of its time. There’s something you need to know about this song and that is, “Freedom” was an improvised song on stage.

Richie Havens’ Improvisation

So, as the other artists were delayed at the Woodstock, the artist kept playing one song after another and later came up with this one right on the spot. Boom, what a hit!

Paul McCartney’s Dreamy Melody

The Beatles is one of the most iconic bands of all time, with music so timeless that the group is still wildly popular. If you know them well, then there’s a good chance you know their hit song, “Yesterday.” Paul McCartney came up with the melody of this song from a dream he had.

Paul McCartney’s Dreamy Melody

So, when he played it for the first time in front of the band, they said that they had never heard that before. What a beautiful way to create music.

Keith Richards Can’t Get No Satisfaction

Since we’re talking about finding inspiration in dreams, then we can’t forget about Keith Richards from The Rolling Stones. Keith had experienced something similar once.

Keith Richards Can’t Get No Satisfaction

In the early hours of May 1965, Keith woke up and grabbed a tape recorder. That’s when he laid down one of the greatest hooks of all time — the opening riff of “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” — before falling back to sleep. What’s funny is that Keith had no memory of recording anything…

Neil Young & Rick James

Life is a journey and thus you can’t really know where you’ll end up one day. We think Neil Young, a Canadian folk artist, would agree.

Neil Young & Rick James

He and funk star Rick James once played together before they both discovered what they were really good at — which were two very different genres.

Madonna’s Dunkin’ Donuts Scandal

There’s no denying that the Queen of Pop — also known as Madonna — walks to the beat of her own drum. She certainly doesn’t hold back or hide her emotions, and this story is a perfect example of that sentiment.

Madonna’s Dunkin’ Donuts Scandal

Madonna used to work at Dunkin’ Donuts before she became The Material Girl we all know her as today. She got fired from there after squirting jelly at a customer. We’re glad that it wasn’t any of us that day.

Lady Gaga’s Inspiration

Born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, Lady Gaga is an American singer-songwriter that has taken the music industry by storm since she first entered it in 2001.

Lady Gaga’s Inspiration

If you’re wondering how the beloved icon came up with her stage name, then you’ve come to the right place! The true inspiration behind her stage name was from the song, “Radio Ga Ga” by Queen. That was a classic indeed.

Dolly Parton & Miley Cyrus Go Way Back

You might think celebrities meet each other on sets or after joining the industry but here’s a fun fact — some of them know each other before they even step foot into the spotlight. Take Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus, for instance.

Dolly Parton & Miley Cyrus Go Way Back

The two celebs have known each other for a very long time. How? Well, Parton is actually Miley’s godmother! No wonder why these stars have been connected for so long. How cute!

Jimi Hendrix

You know the members of The Beatles weren’t the only ones in the music industry who couldn’t read music. In fact, the beloved Jimi Hendrix was yet another talented artist that didn’t have any clue how to read music.

Jimi Hendrix

We don’t know about you guys but we find that utterly impressive considering the kind of music the man made — and those incredible guitar solos! We didn’t think it was possible but Jimi just became even cooler.

Ed Sheeran & Jamie Foxx

Pursuing your career in the music industry is not a decision you make out of the blue. Many rising artists have to go through financial struggles before landing their first break.

Ed Sheeran & Jamie Foxx

It’s because of the people who have their backs and support them during those dark times that they’re able to make it so far in life. Back in the day, when Ed Sheeran was struggling and had no place to crash, Jamie Foxx offered to host the artist rent-free.


Autotune is no stranger to the music industry. But while many of us thought that artists like Britney Spears were the first to use autotune, that couldn’t be more far off.


It turns out that back in 1998, Cher — Goddess of Pop — used autotune for the very first time on her track, “Believe.” So, as you can see, autotune has come a long way.

Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez

We mentioned this duo earlier. Did you know that these two were friends before they even entered the entertainment industry, or created a YouTube channel? That’s right — Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez starred in Barney & Friends together!

Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez

Whether or not you knew this to be true, there’s no denying that this fact is totally adorable, not to mention impressive. We mean, they both have become household names since their time performing with the purple dinosaur!

Tina Turner

You know musicians don’t earn a fortune just by creating music alone. With fame comes extra work and/or endorsements. Some even star in advertisements and commercials for extra cash. For instance, Tina Turner. Aside from her undeniable talent, Tina has also been admired for her looks — and specifically, her gorgeous legs.

Tina Turner

The singer-songwriter’s legs became such a significant feature of hers that she insured them! Can you guess the amount? Probably not. She insured her beloved legs for a whopping $3.2 million!

We Meet Again, Prince

Have you ever seen Fox’s New Girl starring Zooey Deschanel? Apparently, Prince really admired the series — so much so that he reached out to Zooey and shared his desire to make a cameo on the show.

We Meet Again, Prince

The casting directors later brought the musician in for an episode. That was one wholesome gesture on Prince’s behalf, and fans loved it.

Mel B and Geri Halliwell

It’s very common in the industry to see musicians date each other while working on a certain project. These two members of Spice Girls were together during their days as Scary Spice and Ginger Spice.

Mel B and Geri Halliwell

Their relationship was not very exclusive as the two were very on-and-off. Still, we have to admit that they handled things very professionally while working in the same band.

Katy Perry

Do you know the Oscar jokes regarding Leonardo DiCaprio? Something similar happened to Katy Perry at the Grammys. Katy Perry is one of the most talented and beloved musicians in the music industry today. She has tons of big hits under her belt.

Katy Perry

Regardless of this, she was nominated for the Grammys 13 times and has yet to actually win one. We hope she breaks this chain, as DiCaprio did when he finally won an Academy Award for his performance in 2016’s The Revenant.

Whitney Houston and Dionne Warwick

In the music industry, many people are related to each other in one way or another. Still, it may come as a shock to learn that Whitney Houston and Dionne Warwick are related.

Whitney Houston and Dionne Warwick

Yes — both of these talented artists come from the same family; they were cousins. And while we had no idea up until this point, we’re beginning to realize the many similarities these two shared.

Beethoven’s Piano Lessons

Are you a fan of Beethoven? It’s pretty hard to find someone who isn’t. He was so talented that people used to wait in line for a chance to take piano lessons with Ludwig. What’s the funniest part?

Beethoven’s Piano Lessons

Beethoven only gave piano lessons to two types of people — the first kind was extremely talented people with prior knowledge of piano and the second type was attractive women who barely had any talent. Interesting approach, Beethoven.

Bob Marley

To this day, Bob Marley is one of the most influential musicians to ever exist. Even now, younger generations find solace and inspiration in his music. And while he was so beautifully talented and high on life, Marley also had his fair share of hardships — including his battle with cancer. In fact,

Bob Marley

Sadly, the world lost him too soon when he passed away at the age of 36. Before he passed, Bob’s final words to his son were yet another lesson of life, that money can never buy a life. This guy was way ahead of his time.

Miles Davis

If you pay attention to the work of musicians, you’ll notice that many of them have a pattern — a pattern of always crawling back to old songs.

Miles Davis

This doesn’t apply to all artists, but a good number of musicians tend to revert back to their older tunes. Not Miles Davis, though. Instead, the jazz artist always preferred to make new music.


Bach was a big fan of numbers. If you pay attention to his songs, you’ll notice this. The most common numbers he used in the music he composed were the numbers 14 and 41.


The reason behind the frequent use of these numbers was because as per mystical numerology, his name was a combination of these numbers.

Elvis Presley

If we told you Elvis Presley never really wanted a guitar as a child, how hard a pill would that be for you to swallow? If you’re having a hard time believing it, then we’re all on the same page. Here’s a fun story from Elvis’ childhood.

Elvis Presley

When he was 11 years old, he got a guitar as a gift. As a kid, he wasn’t happy to receive this, as he really wanted a bike.


When it comes to selling crazy amounts of albums, many names come to mind. In regard to female artists, though, no one could ever top Madonna. She has a record of selling big numbers.


If we’re talking numbers, then let’s have a look at Madonna’s collection. The singer-songwriter has a huge fan base worldwide and as a result, she has sold over two hundred million records globally. That’s a record-breaking number for a female artist.