40+ Funny Tweets About Boomers That Are Ridiculously Brutal, But True

This article appeared in www.cleverclassic.com and has been published here with permission.

Funny Boomer Tweets That Are Brutal, but True

In society today, there’s a multi-generational workforce and populations that have to live together despite their differences. Because of these differences, though, some pretty humorous tweets get out there, especially when relating to the much older generation of baby boomers. So we pulled together a bunch of those tweets so that you can have a little chuckle and get an idea of what the younger generations think of boomers.

New Savings Plan

The boomer generation is all about saving money and keeping it so that you can feel financially secure. Though this is a trait of their generation, that doesn’t mean that the generations that followed them don’t know how to save money.

New Savings Plan

Though this is definitely a boomer thing, we kind of feel it a little bit. Those Starbucks coffees are quite expensive, and after a while, it does take a toll on your bank account.

Zoom In

The baby boomer generation didn’t have a lot of access to technology until much later in life. They tend to fall behind when it comes to technological advances and understanding how to use them.

Zoom In

That being said, it can still be quite frustrating, especially when you have it over and over again. So we understand why this person might be pretty irritated about having to do that repeatedly and listen to all the complaints, as they do so.

I’m Lost

The main gripe of the younger generations when it comes to boomers is their lack of education regarding technology. Though we all should probably be a little more understanding, as they didn’t get technology till they were well into their forties, it’s still quite frustrating.

I’m Lost

Although, it is a little annoying when you realize they have problems sending pictures to let people know where they’re at.

Looking For the Right One

Nowadays, you’re not using the text feature right when you send a message to someone if it doesn’t include at least a few emojis. Younger generations feel, in fact, that some of their messages should be emoji-filled.

Looking For the Right One

It’s pretty sad to watch someone of a certain age as they scroll through the different categories trying to find just the one, so we have to give them some credit; at least they’re using the technology.