40+ People Who Got So Deep in Hustle Culture They Forgot What It’s Like to Have a Life

People Who Hustle So Hard They Forgot What It’s Like to Have a Life

Do you consider yourself a workaholic? Many people do, but perhaps not to the degree that the people on this list do. From waking up at ridiculous hours to forgetting what it’s like to have fun, hustle culture is real and toxic. Work-life balance, job satisfaction, and a focus on mental health are important. No job is truly worth sacrificing these things for. Let’s look at 45 people who’ve completely lost track of what it’s like to have a good work-life balance, as well as those who need a bit of a reality check that not everyone has the ability, or privilege, to rely on a hustle to make it big.

When the Creative Director Is Modest

Pablo Rochat has likely worked hard to get where he is. Now, the creative director at his own company. He surely sacrificed many years to achieve his success. But, one thing Pablo definitely didn’t sacrifice is his ego.

When the Creative Director Is Modest

Only someone who pushes hustle culture would say something like this. He’s showing that no matter how hard you work, or what you achieve, money and success don’t always make you a nice person.

Is Someone Going to Tell Him?

Twitter user SideHustleKing is clearly not that good at math, as he compares a mere $50 a month to a whopping $1,000,000 in his lifetime. While a side hustle is good for making some extra cash on the side, it’s not a business opportunity that’ll get you very far in life.

Is Someone Going to Tell Him?

Can someone please give Mr. King a quick math lesson, or shall we leave him to believe he’s right? Is he doing something with the $50 per month to make it magically worth more? Tell us!

Cancel Hustle Culture

This tweet is a bit different. Rather than promoting hustle culture, Stegan The Mallion (not her real name, obviously, but props for creative wordplay) wants it canceled. We have to agree with her when she says that working to death for money isn’t the way to go.

Cancel Hustle Culture

Having money is great, especially in this day and age where the cost of living is so high that every cent helps. However, job satisfaction, a good work-life balance, and strong mental health are far more important than making millions.

It’s a No From Alex

Alex has shown us that hustle culture isn’t for everyone and that skills and experience are the keys to landing a job. It doesn’t matter how nice of a person you are or how well you get along with people; what counts at the end of the day is your qualification and work experience in your field.

It’s a No From Alex

We, too, wonder how that guy is doing, Alex. We hope he found a job somewhere that makes him happy and that the company that hired him had the patience and willingness to teach him so he could grow within the company.