Liverpool Manager Jurgen Klopp Shocked Fans by Announcing Exit From the Team

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It seems that Liverpool is going to have a lot of new hires next season, as manager Jurgen Klopp, assistant managers Pepijn Lijnders and Peter Krawietz, and development coach Vitor Matos all announced that they’re leaving the club. That said, it’s arguably Klopp’s announcement that has fans the most shocked and dismayed. The manager explained the reasoning behind his unexpected announcement.

Klopp’s Explanation

Jurgen Klopp said, “I can understand that it’s a shock for a lot of people at this moment when you hear it for the first time, but obviously I can explain it – or at least try to explain it. I love absolutely everything about this club, I love everything about the city, I love everything about our supporters, I love the team, I love the staff. I love everything. But that I still take this decision shows you that I am convinced it is the one I have to take. It is that I am, how can I say it, running out of energy. I have no problem now, obviously, I knew already for longer that I would have to announce it at one point, but I am absolutely fine now. I know that I cannot do the job again and again and again and again.” Essentially, the manager is taking some time to focus on his mental health, which we certainly applaud.

His Contribution to the Team

Whoever replaces Jurgen Klopp will certainly be held to the high standards the manager set. Under Klopp’s management, Liverpool has won the Premier League, Champions League, FA Cup and League Cup. As of the time of writing, they’re at the top of the Premier League. Not only that, but Klopp is beloved for his strong emotions, outrageous antics, and truly being passionate about his work.

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We don’t blame him for needing a rest, but he’ll most certainly be missed.