30+ Pampers Hacks New Moms Need to Know


When it comes to being a new parent, there’s a lot that you have to learn on the job. Luckily, there are a lot of parents out there who have been right where you are and have some key tips. This is especially true for the moments no one could really prepare you for, like diaper changes.

Stay Right There

The first rule of thumb to avoid disaster during diaper changes is to stay with your baby the whole time. They shouldn’t be unattended for a second!

Pexels // Emma Bauso

If they’re on a changing table, you never know when they’ll try to show you that they learned how to roll over. Staying close can avoid bumped heads and a few tears! Plus, even if they’re safe on the floor, you don’t want to see the mess a baby can make mid-diaper change, given the chance.

Prepare for the Smell

Let’s be honest for a second, you love your baby, but no parent loves the smell of their poop. So, what can you do other than hold your breath?

Pexels // Adrian Stancu | Reddit // u/thehaikuza

There is! One thing that some parents have found is the best way to avoid this is to swipe something strong smelling under their nose, like Vick’s, to block out the smell. Then, you can dive in and clean up that dirty diaper without fighting your gag reflex the whole time.

Set Up the Changing Station Near the Sink

If you have the option, it can make your life a lot easier if you can set up your changing station somewhere that you can quickly wash your hands before getting down to business.

Instagram // @misis.ong

If you don’t have the option, don’t fret! You can always make things work in a pinch by adding a bottle of hand sanitizer to your baby supplies. The idea here is to go in with clean hands so you can avoid introducing anything irritating that might be on your hands.

Multi-Story Home? Multiple Changing Stations

Your baby doesn’t really care where you are in your home — if they have to do their business, that’s exactly what they’re going to do.

Reddit // u/natutupi | Instagram // @windelfan72022

If you have more than one floor in your home, it’s a good idea to set up a changing station on each floor or at least have a portable one you can carry with you. After all, running from floor to floor is exhausting and not as quick when you’re cradling a baby in your arms.