30+ Coolest Answers to “What Perks Did You Enjoy as a Kid Because of Your Parents”

This article appeared in www.cleverclassic.com and has been published here with permission.
Perks of Parents’ Jobs

When you’re young, you don’t need to have a job — your parents or guardians do that to keep everything going for you. If you’re lucky, you might even get some bonus perks to make your parent’s job all the more fun to you as a kid, teen, and even into adulthood.

Meeting Your Heroes

There’s nothing much cooler than seeing some of your favorite musicians and actors live and in person. That’s the perk that this kid got to experience.

Meeting Your Heroes

As for this kid, their dad briefly owned a limo service throughout the early ’90s and it seems that he drove for some big names! That led to this kid meeting Queen Latifah, Will Smith, and Ice-T. Their kid got to experience some of these perks, too!

Anybody Want Ice Cream?

There are some treats that kids just can’t seem to turn down. You know this if you’ve ever seen an ice cream truck roll up to a soccer practice.

Anybody Want Ice Cream?

This kid got as much ice cream as he wanted and more. With a dad working for Dreyers, it’s easy to see how they ended up with so much in their garage. We can guess that Billy was pretty popular during the summer.

Learning at Private School

As a painting contractor, you can take on a lot of different paint jobs. Your customers might love your work so much that you get a few extra perks.

Learning at Private School

For this family, that meant free private school as long as these kids’ dad kept painting the building every summer. It was a long-term deal that led to 15 years of receiving a quality education.

Simple But Effective

When you’re a kid, you can have a lot of fun with just you and your imagination. So, there are some perks that people remember loving as kids that might strike you as odd as an adult.

Simple But Effective

For this person, the perk they remembered most was the blank printer paper their dad used to bring home. While it wasn’t Disney World passes, where you see just a blank piece of paper, these kids saw a whole lot of opportunity.