Hilarious People Who Flawlessly Recreated Their Childhood Photos

This article appeared in Housecultures and has been published here with permission.

Childhood is the best part of life, and there’s no one who can deny the ease and simplicity of being a worry-free youth. What’s funny is most of us don’t realize how easy we once had it, until we look back on nostalgic moments of our younger years. Here are some entertaining before and after photos of children and their adult selves, decades later.

Bodyless Heads

A family beach day is no fun if you don’t spend hours creating sand castles that will, in time, be washed off the shore. When building temporary kingdoms by the sea becomes boring, you can always resort to burying yourself in a coffin of sand and startling people passing by with your bodyless head. We all need a partner in crime to get the trick done and Sofia and Brian were always a great prankster duo. Ten years later, the mischievous siblings dug another hole in the sand and relived their epic days of being buried in the grains.

Bodyless Heads

Forever Petty

Some people’s petty side only starts to come out during their teenage years,  but we’re pretty sure Miranda knew she was a straight up baller from the moment she exited her mother’s womb. Nothing says I don’t give an “F” more than a flick of the middle finger and a shot of whiskey to top it off. At 6 years old, she was the gangster of the neighborhood and as you can see, nothing has changed since then. Here’s to not giving a darn!

Forever Petty

Throwback Onesie

Raising a nutjob like Joey wasn’t an easy job for his parents. Although the star of this photo received two degrees from a couple of prestigious universities and became a respected lawyer, he has always stayed true to his wacky and wild self. In honor of his 29th birthday, Joey climbed into a white onesie and created a collage of him at 7 years old and him twenty years later. We don’t know if we should laugh or cry…

Throwback Onesie

Sloppy Sandy

Everyone has that one friend who is a pro at bad manners, and Sandy is a perfect example of a born and bred slob. Spaghetti and bolognese isn’t something we’d advise you to eat before taking your picture, but Becky clearly doesn’t care. Although she has aged over the 30 years since the initial photo was taken and now rocks an edgy haircut, you can’t deny the resemblance between the two blonde girls in the photo. Sandy’s eating habits haven ‘t changed a bit, but she is still adorable.

Sloppy Sandy

The Best Gift

The top photo displays an adorable black fluffy puppy held by his young faithful owner. Tom first met his canine soulmate on a snowy Christmas morning. Bolt waited eagerly inside a small wooden box, and from the moment that Tom unfastened the red ribbon, a life-long bond came to life. Bolt has stayed by Tom’s side for 13 years now, and although he has grown a few gray hairs, he is still the adorable dog he was 12 Christmases ago.

The Best Gift

Bucket Bathing

Ah… The good ol’ days of bucket bathing and kiddie pools. Can you think of anything more fun than splashing around in a pail of water that barely fits your rear end? We can’t! Here’s another question. What was the little boy on the left doing with that plate? Was he gathering soap water to feed the plants or planning on pouring it on his annoying little brother? Years later, the siblings nestled in similar yellow bins and created a recap of their carefree, youthful days.

Bucket Bathing

Little? Not For Long…

Once upon a time, tiny Tommy, in the red striped shirt, would tell his bigger brothers to pick on someone their own size. 35 years and ten shirt sizes later, the small boy evolved into a strong mature man, eventually outgrowing his two older siblings. Age may just be a number, but height and weight matter. Nowadays, tiny Tommy hovers almost a head over his oldest brother, outweighs him by 40 pounds, and can easily beat the crap out of both of them.

Little? Not For Long…

Fatherly Cuddles

This is not the first time we’ve seen a dad fall asleep on the job. Videos and memes of dads slacking off have become viral on the internet, and to be honest, it’s kind of funny. On the left, you have father Frank squeezing in a little snooze as baby Mathew waits patiently for his mother to come home and feed him. Years later, Frank is still slacking off from his daddy-duties, however providing warm cuddles to his 32-year-old son.

Fatherly Cuddles

Back Seat Memories

The annual trip to Disney World was always the Johnson family’s favorite vacation. For the kids, that is. As the for the parents, breaking up back seat arguments and putting up with overheated and starving children wasn’t the ideal getaway. But these are the sacrifices a parent must make, right? Now, in a slightly more modern van, the adult siblings climb into the back seats and embark on another nostalgic trip to Disney World. And what would the adventure be worth if a then and now photo wasn’t captured to document the moment?

Back Seat Memories

The Airplane Age

Don’t lie, you loved when your mom would swoop you up and dangle you in the air with her feet. For a second there, we thought both the kids on the right were actually being supported by their mom, but if you look closer, you can see it’s an illusion. Although mom has kept her good looks alive, she has gotten older and naturally, isn’t as strong as she used to be. Thankfully, the boys made her job easier by using the kitchen counter and a handstand to hold them up.

The Airplane Age

The Fluffiest Of Friends

There’s nothing like being raised with a pet and having the privilege of growing old with your dog is something not all people have.  While Evan evolved from a kid wearing a blue onesie, into a man with chest hair and muscles, his dog, Lewie, didn’t change all that much over the years. Evan is a university student so he only gets to see his pooch on holidays when he visits the rents. Though Lewie is old for a dog, he still goes wild whenever Evan walks through the door.

The Fluffiest Of Friends

Glued For Life

As we wave goodbye to primary school days and enter adult-life, we all naturally embark on different paths and eventually lose touch with certain people. Tanner (to the left) and Greg (to the right) have however broken the status quo and have been through everything together. Since they graduated high school, they attended the same college, majored in the same subjects, and even become roommates. They attended their high school reunion as each other’s plus one and impressed their former classmates with their everlasting bond.

Glued For Life

The Miracle Truck

This old red Ford homes many precious childhood memories and that’s probably the reason the Tanner family can’t bear to get rid of it. Surviving three accidents, one of which included a serious crash, that left them with not even a scratch, the Tanners believe their car is a miracle truck. Aside from being the automobile sent from heaven, this old four-wheeler has taken them through the twisted mountains of Georgia, miles of golden hayfields and countless nostalgic hunting trips, never once breaking down.

The Miracle Truck

Laundry Nostalgia

By the looks of this snap, Jane’s laundry obsession began before she was out of diapers.

Laundry Nostalgia

From Diva To Doctor

Meghan’s last name isn’t Fox, but she sure has dipped her toes into the modeling world. Wearing the same oversized shades, white dress and slippers, the star of this photo own the runway. As a young girl, Meghan used to yank clothes out of her closet, try on everything, and host homemade fashion shows. Encouraging her daughter’s modeling aspirations, Meghan’s mom would sit on the couch and be her photographer. Today, Meghan is a physician, but boy does she rock that white coat!

From Diva To Doctor

Captain Zack

These pictures show the same exact River and the same exact boy, just 25 years apart. After not visiting the riverside for decades, Zack’s parents organized a family getaway that would take place at their favorite spot. Zack was the brother who had an odd obsession with Popeye the Sailor and every time his family went to the riverside, he’d throw on a white sailor hat and ask his dad to take pictures of him flexing his invisible muscles. Although Zack’s aspirations have evolved over the years, his dream of meeting Popeye is still relevant.

Captain Zack

Swapping Sides

The circle of life is a difficult thing to fathom. As people get older, they become more dependent on their children and all of a sudden, positions swap. A child who was used to be dependent on his parents ends up becoming their primary caretaker. Once a strong man, holding on to his boy’s little hand, Sullivan now leans on his son for help. Although pops has developed some wrinkles, he’s still rocking the same suit style and is extremely grateful to have his son by his side.

Swapping Sides


The one time it’s universally accepted to act like a total weirdo is when you’re talking to a baby. We know what this dad was saying to baby Jim. “Did you make a little stinky?! Oh, yes you did! That’s right, you baby-stinker! Now, we have to change your dirty diaper!” The facial expressions in the recent bottom photo may not be as authentic, but they’re still hilarious. We just hope this time Jim didn’t really poop in his pants!


Through Thick And Thin

From a black and white photo of a newlywed couple to a beautiful snap of them 80 years later, this picture has us at loss for words. Barry and Sonya’s hearing may have deteriorated over the years, but their love for each other has grown stronger in that time. They’ve shared a long-lasting bond since 1938 and have promised to do so until their very last breath. The elderly couple has also stayed loyal to their 1935 blue Chrysler, which they recently passed down to their oldest son.

Through Thick And Thin

Pizza vs. Burgers

Trix may be for kids, but pizza and hamburgers are for everyone! Robby and Sam have always been big food lovers but they never ordered the same thing at restaurants. Although Sam is a cheese dude and Robby is a human carnivore, they still steal from each other’s plates when the other isn’t looking. Robby has always been meticulous about his food, making sure he has just the right amount of sauce spread on his meat patty, while Sam is a vacuum cleaner that will literally eat anything in sight.

Pizza vs. Burgers

Baby To Big Boy

Looking at this nostalgic old clock, we’re truly bewildered by how fast time goes by and how much people evolve over the years. Once a miniature person that could fit into a tiny clay bowl, baby Dave used to sit on the kitchen counter and play with wooden spoons, while his mom made cakes and baked goods for the church. 17 years following the first snap, Dave returned to the same exact spot to remake the memory.

Baby To Big Boy

Play Dead

Everyone knows that children are pros when it comes to drifting off in any position. We are, however, skeptical of how this kid managed to ‘fall asleep’ while standing. On the left, we suspect that baby Adam was pretending to be asleep while his mommy announced from the other room that it was bathtime. Hoping to outsmart his mother and avoid getting soapy, the youngster pulled the play-dead card and hoped she’s fall for his scheme. How long do you think it took to wake him up?

Play Dead

Biker vs. Nerd

Although there’s a twenty-year gap between the pictures below, this Harley-inspired father looks fly as ever and still sports the same style apparel he once wore, two decades ago. Taking on parent’s traits and mannerisms is natural, but in this case, Paul and his son couldn’t be any more different. Mainly interested in motorbikes and riding in the wind, Paul doesn’t share his son’s passion for computer science and comic books, but they still have a beautiful relationship.

Biker vs. Nerd

Human Or Doll?

Before you judge this little boy for playing with dolls, take a closer look and you’ll see that the immobile-looking infant in his hands is actually a human. On Thanksgiving, the two brothers went through some old childhood albums and stumbled upon this antique photo. Three glasses of wine later, the guys decided it would be a great idea to create a modernized version of the picture and that’s what they did. We’d give an A for effort, but the results are just too terrible…

Human Or Doll?

Marvel Brothers

Halloween never gets old, even if you’re a hundred years old and don’t even get us started on Superman. Believe it or not, the parents of this charming brother duo are both huge comic fans and are obsessed with all the Marvel superheroes. Tony (the older brother on the left) wanted to dress up as Tinkie Winkie from Teletubbies, but his mom couldn’t find a matching costume for his little brother. Superman was clearly the best choice left. (at least, according to the parents).

Marvel Brothers

Timberland Thief

Amy was always a tomboy and a daddy’s girl, which is why she would steal her dad’s Timberlands and not her mother’s heels. Spending her childhood in the wilderness, climbing trees, Amy has aged  24 years since the first photo and become a fine young woman (now with her own pair of Timberlands). Before this picture hit the internet, it was originally framed and given to her dad as a Father’s Day gift. You know what they say – the best presents are those given from the heart!

Timberland Thief

Bucket Head

You know those kids who think covering their own eyes will keep them unseen? Benji was certainly one of them. Following escaping the playroom without cleaning up his lego-mess, Benjy’s mom walked into the bathroom and found him in this position. Although Marry was upset her son was avoiding his chores, she still got a great laugh from the scene and even took a picture of it Once the Kodak moment was over, Benji was shipped off to the playroom to clean up his mess.

Bucket Head

40+ Funny Text Convos That Took a Strange Turn

These funny text convos that took a peculiar turn can be funny, puzzling, or just plain odd. Most often, for those looking in from the outside, these conversations are quite funny, and that is why we have compiled a list of them below.

That’s Just Awkward

Strange and awkward are two words that come to mind when we look at this text exchange. But we have to say that the second guy’s humor is only topped by his compassion for his fellow brother.

That’s Just Awkward

It would have been even better if the guy had sent a picture with the same picture but with a shirt on that would have been absolutely perfect.

You Never Call

Random texts can be awkward, but when they affect your life outside the phone conversation, then they become a whole different case. For instance, in this situation where this person thought their mom wanted to talk to them.

You Never Call

She probably did but hadn’t sent the message, and so this person was looking out for her even without knowing they were. But the strange thing is the person felt like they needed to scold the first person.

Sick & Tired

So this may not seem strange to some, but the response to the picture definitely makes it a peculiar conversation. But maybe someone should have a more in-depth talk with the person that thinks that a thermometer is a pregnancy test.

Sick & Tired

That in and of itself is a huge problem. And we are sure the continuation of this conversation gets even weirder, so we are glad we got the simple beginning. It’s enough to give everyone a good chuckle.

Mothman Texts

When you are in the bathroom, in general, you are in a vulnerable position. When something you are afraid of comes in, and you don’t think you have any way to get it out, this becomes a frightening situation. So what do you do? You reach for your phone and text your dad.

Mothman Texts

Now what your dad does with that text is up to him. Maybe, he will do what this guy did and decide it’s funny to play with your emotions. Then things will get a little strange.

New Age Beliefs

There are many new religions in the world. Even some that have tons of beliefs and practices that others don’t understand. So this may seem strange to some bit maybe it’s not the most bizarre religion ever.

New Age Beliefs

The conversation still is an odd one, and the fact that the guy is just ready to jump right into this fascinating new religion is odd to us but also very humorous.

Back-Up Plan

This is a perfect example of the difference between moms and dads. The mother is clearly worried about the son and the fact he has been gone for several hours for a straightforward task.

Back-Up Plan

When she shares this with her husband, his response doesn’t seem to match her fear level. Though the fact he thought her worry was about dinner is perfect and right on point for most dads.

Missing a Note

A lot of kids get up to crazy things when the parent goes away for the weekend. Most of the hijinks typically surrounding having a little get together at the house. But this sometimes leads to interesting conversations.

Missing a Note

This mother is missing a piano and just wants to know where it went. We have the same question, and why couldn’t the guy listen in the house it belongs to? Strange!

Pay Attention

We have all had this happen, right? You feel tired, and then you lay your head on the pillow, and suddenly you just can’t sleep. Then the next morning, we want someone to feel our pain, so we share our problem with them.

Pay Attention

But with this woman, she seems to have found someone to confide in that doesn’t seem to be understanding what she was trying to say.

Seems Simple

Not sure Marie understood the question, and yet she seems pretty confident in her answer. This conversation was short but turned strange quick. Maybe this was a case of someone only half-heartedly reading the other person’s text?

Seems Simple

We certainly hope that was the case, but hey, maybe it was Marie just being like the answer to the question is simple… women! Perhaps she should have been a little more clear on her answer!

Show & Tell

Randomness can be a strange thing, especially when it comes to texts. Take, for example, this random text of what we are told is a standard cable. What do you do if this comes to a wrong number or to a contact that doesn’t know what is going on?

Show & Tell

Well, if you’re this person, you decide to have a little fun and try to share with the other party a bit of your life as well. This may mean texting an image of your handsome cat.

Fine Then

Making a friend for some is difficult. You don’t know when to approach, what to say or how to work your way into a conversation. So texting makes this much more comfortable as you don’t have all the pressure of all eyes on you.

Fine Then

So why not reach out and see if someone wants to get together? This person must have thought that it was an open path. But that path got shot down real quick.

Captcha Please!

It seems like the little Captcha boxes are the answer to everything. There are few websites that you visit that, when entering information, there isn’t one of these little boxes present. Sometimes they are easy, and other times they are pretty tricky.

Captcha Please!

One place you never think to see one of them, though, is in your text conversations. Especially as a way to prove your love is real and not the work of a bots programming.

Google It

As we have already said, some from the older generation just don’t get the functions that are used on a smartphone. This can lead to some pretty strange conversations. Like a laundry list of what looks like Google searches.

Google It

Even better is that even after the child has told mom it’s not google, she kept going. Maybe she was just looking for a little help from her kid and not Google.


So this is a fine example of how much a part of our communications that texting has become. Without thinking about it, this woman wants to let their kid know they have forgotten their cell phones at home.


But that text, though sweet, seems a little odd since the kid doesn’t have the phone and won’t get the text until they get home and find the phone on the kitchen counter.

What’s Your Name?

Your first is important, and most of us remember the name, date, and time of that person. But with this couple, that doesn’t seem to be the case, and it probably makes the guy question the validity of him being her first.

What’s Your Name?

One word of precious advice, ladies, always try to remember the name of the guy you’re texting; otherwise, that convo could get a little strange.

Fruity Texts

Who just texts a picture of fruit? This conversation doesn’t get strange; it starts out strange. Not sure if this was a personal joke between two friends or someone was just amazed by the size of the melon.

Fruity Texts

But if you are going to text random pictures of a melon, you might want to make sure the person on the other end is who you think they are. Otherwise, you get this reply.

Brand Recognition

This is just a classic case of someone being a bit of a smart…well, you know. Look, some people just use generic terms that were brand specific for the type of product they are describing. This makes sense to a lot of people.

Brand Recognition

The other person is just being a little sarcastic, and though it makes for a funny read, maybe next time explains to this poor person that the “i” makes it an Apple product.

Misuse of the Emoji

Emojis are a great way to add little accents to your text to say more than your words can say. But you have to know what they are and what they mean, otherwise you might wind up with an interesting discourse.

Misuse of the Emoji

This woman thought she was being cute, but when it came down to it, she used one too many emojis and wound up saying something different.

Killing My Dream

We all need dreams, and when we achieve one, what fills that space? Perhaps a new drama, or maybe that space is blank on the shelf, and who wants a blank shelf in their life? But if you don’t strive to achieve your dreams…

Killing My Dream

What is there? Even still, this person’s conversation brings up a deep level of thought. Or maybe they were just being a little sarcastic.

Unrequited Love

Love is love, and it doesn’t matter where it’s found. But this is probably the strangest place and way that we have ever seen it. Just a random text saying I love you would brighten anybody’s life up.

Unrequited Love

Who knows, maybe this will end up being the love affair of a lifetime. Or perhaps, after all, look at that picture. Not sure if that means that the person on the other end is a guy or just someone with a wicked sense of humor.

Strange Cravings

This conversation went wacky real quick. How did they start talking about tea and then end with mackerel? This is not even a logical progression, and frankly, the ingredients of this meal seem like a pregnant woman made the menu.

Strange Cravings

It’s almost as if the one side of the conversation was actually meant for a wholly different person. We have all done it right, been texting two people and got the conversations mixed up. We are sure that is what is happening here.

That’s Rude!

This conversation starts out so nice and is one that has the potential to make somebody’s day. But then it goes a whole different route and one that could be looked at as kind of mean.

That’s Rude!

The reaction and tone of the conversation gets weird when the guy sends a picture of himself. Then it becomes almost rude. They could have just said no normally; the extra was not needed.

Don’t Let Go

It’s always nice to have your significant other able to tell you how much they fear losing you. This revelation makes us feel loved and important, but as the years go on, the reply to this question gets more and more matter of fact.

Don’t Let Go

This guy may seem like he is being a jerk or trying to be funny, but he’s just being honest. It makes for an awkward conversation but a funny one.

Read Between the Lines

When you are setting up a blind date, it can be very stressful. Not only have you never really talked with this person, but you may not even know what they look like. So this conversation starts out very normal.

Read Between the Lines

But the guy on the other end seems to think highly of themselves, and to knock him down a peg, the girl has to come back with a good quip.

I Feel You, Man!

Strange isn’t always a bad thing, right? When you answer someone you don’t know’s text and do it with a big heart, that might seem strange, but it is actually really nice. This guy understands where the other is coming from.

I Feel You, Man!

Because of this, they wanted to give that guy who got the wrong number a bit of virtual support. Good on you! That guy probably appreciates it.

Not the Question!

Technology is changing fast, and some of the older generations took a while to get into it. So this means that your grandma may have just got a smartphone, and like with anything, it will take her a little time to adjust.

Not the Question!

But even with that adjustment, there is no way that this conversation should have gotten this strange this fast. That’s not even an answer, grandma!

Oh, Snappp!

Wrong numbers are always a good time, but some people are clever and quick on the comebacks. So when this person texts a name and a question mark, the person receiving the text goes into a lightning reaction.

Oh, Snappp!

And the response may seem strange, but it is right on point and one that any 90s kid would laugh out loud at hence the texters response. We thought it was pretty funny too!

Oreo Cereal or Me

This text conversation starts out so sweet and then takes a turn nobody could have predicted. Letting someone know you miss them is so nice, but maybe the person on the other end isn’t missing you as much.

Oreo Cereal or Me

Typically this might lead to a shorter conversation but not one that could potentially hurt your feelings. Though Oreo cereal is pretty good, so we can understand Sierra.


There are a lot of very patriotic people, and some of them may well take this to a strange place, like this text. It started out with one friend asking if the other was free to get together to have a day out at the movies.


The answer seems a little strange to us, but it’s not wrong. They are free, but we are sure that is not the “free” that the other friend was meaning.


So is it us, or do you find that fact that someone was okay texting about another person passing away? This is just another sign of how much texting has taken over our lives, and that texting is now the preferred form of communication.


The exchange may get heated, but it is quite humorous and strange. Why, if some texted you and it was the wrong number, would you even answer the text.

Predictable Text

When you get a text specifically asking not to do something, the best reaction is to go ahead and do it. So that is what happened when this person texted their friend. But the initial text is very strange.

Predictable Text

We can only assume that this is a thing that these two friends do with each other. If not, it is quite strange and a little random.

Everyone’s Entitled to an Opinion

How do you start a text like this? That is just mean and a little strange. We all have our days where we want to vent, but this is a little extreme. But then, once you realize it isn’t the person you should back off, right?

Everyone’s Entitled to an Opinion

But strangely enough, this guy just sticks to their guns and decides that whoever this is in the same boat as James.

In the Nick of Time

Don’t you wonder what the pic is that this woman was asking for from her friend Paige? But then again, this wouldn’t have made it on a list of strange texts if she had gotten what she was looking for. Or would it?

In the Nick of Time

Anyway, the images they got back were kind of strange, hilarious, but very strange. Then again, anything with Nicolas Cage falls under those two words easily.

Give Me the Details

A random message comes across talking about inexpensive green means with no information attached you want to know the details. But this texter refuses to give it to the other person.

Give Me the Details

No questions were ever answered, and that makes this a pretty one-sided conversation. Not wholly strange, but strange enough to make it on this list for sure. But we still are wondering what the price was on those green beans!

Is That Code?

You never know what is on someone’s mind and so asking them is one way that you can find out. However, sometimes asking will get you some amazingly odd answers, so be prepared. We hope this person was.

Is That Code?

Because who would have to guess the other person was thinking of a short giraffe. And what the heck is a short giraffe?! The picture is not enough information.


There are many things that struck us as a bit strange in this conversation-starting with the guy’s nickname…T-Rex. But then when the person who got the wrong number text answers back, the text exchange gets a little more strange.


Though the texter sent it to the wrong person, the response certainly gives us the option to have a good laugh and learn a little about the dinosaurs despite the odd conversation.

Social Distance Dating

This isn’t that strange until we go to the final text. That poor little dog is not a cat, and that is just too mean. This could develop into a dog dating service, though, if they really wanted to push the concept a little farther.

Social Distance Dating

Even still, the fact that random people are texting a picture of what we presume is their cute puppies seems a little odd.

Random and Weird

Okay, so there isn’t really a conversation here, but the single line of text is definitely strange. Imagine rolling over to this text in the middle of the night. The first thought would be, what was mom on?

Random and Weird

The next would probably be how did that deer get a taco? The whole interaction is strange, and who knows what response you will get when you reply to mom.

Shouldn’t Have Asked

If Liz couldn’t tell that her friend was setting her up for some punchline, she is a little crazy. After all, Liz is typically only short for one name.

Shouldn’t Have Asked

But hey, let the other person have their laughs, we guess. It only gets a little strange when she takes the bait a second time. Maybe her next question should be, what the heck is Disney’s The Lizard King?

Broken Communications

When you text somebody and don’t get an answer back, sometimes you just move on. This doesn’t always end in a strange conversation. That is unless you finally get a response to that text.

Broken Communications

This is especially true when that response comes two years after the initial text was sent. But hey, at least the person got back eventually. They must have been really busy, we guess.

A Girl Can Dream

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, traveling has been put on the backburner. And while a lot of us just wish we could just be transported to an island like Figi, the truth is that FOMO has always been a thing, long before this travel ban started.

A Girl Can Dream

The lavish high-life of traveling, glamorous purchases, and relaxing on some tropical beach appeals to us all but real-life circumstances get in the way and stop this dream from coming to fruition. These dream crushes include kids and taxes – you get the drift.

Change the Song

When it comes to music on our phones, radio, or TV, if we don’t like a particular tune then we can just change the song or the channel. However, life is not always so simple. What happens if you’re at a restaurant or cafe and a song that you loathe pops on?

Change the Song

Well, there are a few ways you can go around this predicament. You can choose to be annoying and ask a waiter to change it, you can just be miserable and let it play or you can be totally obnoxious and leave the place as this guy did. As you can tell, none of these scenarios have a happy ending.

What Did He Do?

The only way in which this wife would commit such a dangerous act, like opening a car door while the car is still going is if somebody really got her worked up. We’re just going to assume from the tone of this dude’s tweet, that he was indeed the culprit.

What Did He Do?

So, that brings us to our next thought – what did he do? We’re so curious to know… We’ve got every idea possible running through our heads from a cheating scandal to her finding the receipt for his new and expensive golf clubs.

Money Hungry

Money really does help to make the world go round but it’s not everything in life. That’s why we get irked when we hear about people doing these purely for monetary benefits.

Money Hungry

Take, for example, Mr. Funny here who thinks he’s so smart with his snarky tweet. Well, the joke is on you man because we’re pretty certain you’re still single. Have fun with your imaginary dollars!

Too Good to Share

We all know that sharing is caring but there comes a time when we just have to be selfish and keep our goods to ourselves. This could be in the form of clothes, body and skincare products, or our personal favorite, food.

Too Good to Share

That’s why we can’t blame this mom for blatantly deceiving her kid so that she can savor the last bites of her beloved cheesecake. Even though mothers are expected to be honest and fair, we all have our sacred items and hers happens to be this.

Meet My Girlfriend

Introducing your new love interest to your family can be daunting, so it’s best to have that encounter once you feel like you really know the person. However, if you happen to be married and cheating on your spouse, then the time to make this introduction is never.

Meet My Girlfriend

Instead, we have a different suggestion in mind – how about don’t cheat in the first place? If you don’t feel like you can stay being faithful to someone then marriage isn’t for you. Try adopting a puppy if you get lonely – they won’t mind if you bring over more.

Bush Baby

There’s a reason why your ex-partner is your ex, so having a relationship with that person after being together can prove to be very difficult. That’s why most people recommend not to keep in touch with old flames, especially if you have someone else on the scene.

Bush Baby

However, from time to time, we all get curious and want to know what our ex is up to. At this point, a social media stalk should do the trick. Anything else beyond that i.e. hiding in the bushes is unacceptable and downright creepy.

Do Not Use

Call us slow but we seem to be missing something here. At first, this just looks like a generic label for a chopping board but upon closer inspection of the instructions, we realize this board should not be used for that. So now you’re caught up as to why we’re so confused.

Do Not Use

What can this board be used for? To surf on? As a trivet for hot food? The options are endless but the company that created it really needs to stipulate the board’s real purpose.

‘A’ for Effort

Most of us take pride in our cooking and want the recipients of our food to both enjoy and appreciate our hard work. So, when this doesn’t happen it can be a pretty heartbreaking and embarrassing experience.

‘A’ for Effort

In situations like this, we say that laughter is the best medicine. Don’t let others know just how much your subpar meal has affected your confidence. You can always cry in the back while you secretly order dessert to compensate for your cooking.

Just Be There

Sometimes in life when you’re going through a hard time, all you need to hear from your family and close friends is that they’ve got your back and are there for you. That feeling of support can carry you through some of your lowest lows.

Just Be There

But you’re not going to feel all that comforted knowing that a perfect stranger is thinking of you so remember to make sure that you know the person well before you start to share your deeper thoughts. Or in this case, just know the person at all…

Grill, That Is Not Right!

Random numbers in your phone can lead to some pretty uncomfortable interactions. This one is not that bad in comparison to some of the others out there stored in people’s phones.

Grill, That Is Not Right!

Autocorrect or misreading? The answer to that question is how you see it, but without either of these two, we wouldn’t have this amazingly strange interaction to give us a good chuckle.

Look Out!

Fears, whether irrational or rational, are something we all have. Sharing those fears with a friend is a sign that you feel really connected to them. But when you share something, and they share something very rarely, does it get this strange?

Look Out!

However, on the low flying train fear front, we can see and definitely agree it would be frightening. Though this is probably not what the one friend was expecting to get back as an answer to their question.

More Than You Bargained For?

This conversation starts out very ordinary—two guys talking about setting up a meeting to sell a car. But somewhere along the way, one of the guys mistakenly sent a text meant for someone else.

More Than You Bargained For?

That made this get a little strange for sure. But the guy’s response made it worth all the strangeness. Well, at least for us, maybe not for the guy on the other end.

Spatial Relations

Some people are so logical, analytical, and literal that texting them can be difficult. So this conversation takes a turn when the person gets all spatial with the direction of the frown on the emoticon.

Spatial Relations

But it cleared up real quick, which is how you know these two texters are good friends. They really get each other. This friendship is literally about birds that flock together.

A Promise Is a Promise!

This conversation starts out strange and only gets stranger. Who starts a conversation with an esteemed guru? We knew once we read that intro that this was going to get a little weird and most definitely hilarious.

A Promise Is a Promise!

But it also makes sense, right? If you have been given a gift as this person clearly feels they have, you want to give the person that gave it a gift in return. Not sure his fully grown child will appreciate it, though.