40 Men Are Sharing What It’s Like to Be a Single Father


There’s no denying that being a father is tough in all circumstances, but being a single father is an entirely different beast for sure. It’s definitely not easy, but it’s not all bad either. The good times and the bad times, the struggles and the moments of joy, these single fathers are sharing what it’s like to be in their shoes in the most relatable and amusing way possible — Snapchat!

Gotta Get One for the Road

When you’re the father of a young child, it goes without saying that you’ll have to buy them presents every once in a while. Unfortunately, for some parents, some kids are a bit more demanding in regards to what they get and how often they get it. Oh well, it doesn’t hurt to indulge, right?


This kid might want a toy car every time he goes out shopping with his dad, but at the end of the day, a toy vehicle is a small price to pay to put a smile on your child’s face, don’t you think? It’s small things like this that can create a lasting bond between parent and child.

Never Say No to the Whims of Your Daughter

Being a single father means something else when you have a daughter. There’s no mom to play pretty princess or tea party or to paint nails and do hair. So, if your daughter is into those kinds of things, it all falls on dad and his willingness to comply with her wishes.


Thankfully, most loving fathers can agree that something as minor as masculinity, pride, or appearances is no obstacle when it comes to making their daughter happy. After all, at the end of the day, should you care more about the opinions of strangers or the way your daughter thinks of you?

Patience Is a Virtue

A father has to teach many things to his kid, especially if he’s a single father who has to take up the maternal role as well. One such important trait to impart to a child is that of patience, and fishing in them is definitely a good way to do that.


Because of all the activities you can go out and do for fun, fishing is the one that doesn’t offer instant gratification, and the reward is usually nothing more than personal satisfaction. Needless to say, teaching kids to value both of those things at an early age isn’t particularly easy to do.

Taking the Time for Something Small

There are a lot of very important things to take into consideration when it comes to parenting, but sometimes, it’s the small things that really build the relationship between father and child. A temporary tattoo is the definition of a small thing, but such things often make a child very happy.


Of course, we can understand why a single father would hope for such things to stay as mere entertainment, but frankly, it’s about time for society to move past the idea of tattoos being undesirable in one light or another. Not to say that there are no bad tattoos, of course…