40+ People Are Sharing Common Things That Were Socially Acceptable in 2002, But Definitely Not Today

It's interesting to see how quickly daily life can change. Even in the last two decades, things have changed so much that when you look back, there are things in 2002 that seem unreasonable today. When the question came up on Reddit, people were ready with answers to things that were once common but now stand out to others.

Wanna Go to the Mall?

Another thing that was different in 2002 was how you might spend your free time. Even the places you go to hang out are often influenced by trends and current popularity.

Wanna Go to the Mall?

In 2002, the mall was probably a go-to option when you wanted to spend a day hanging out with your friends. With a food court and a myriad of stores to explore, it was a great way to kill time. Today, the concept is nowhere near as popular as it once was.

Changing Trends

Makeup trends tend to change a lot, much like fashion trends do. There are some trends from 2002 that are nowhere near as common today.

Changing Trends

For instance, most people today keep concealer in their bags to cover the occasional blemish or make a touchup. On the other hand, if you step back into 2002, you might have used the product in place of your lipstick as well. The trend has fallen out of style more recently.

Avoiding it Today

There are some things that we avoid using at all costs today. For example, sending your friend a letter is probably your last idea when you're communicating with them. It makes sense, too.

Avoiding it Today

After all, with options like texting, calling, video chatting, or even emailing, there are much more instantaneous ways to reach out. However, this person would argue they wouldn't mind a little "snail mail" now and again.

Modern Romance

There are some things that you wouldn't do back in 2002 because they didn't seem safe. For instance, you might be a lot warier about who you meet online.

Modern Romance

Today, with apps like Tinder being so common, it's not rare to meet someone online for dates. Of course, you do have the added security of being able to easily video call your date beforehand, search them online, and even share your location with a friend.