30+ Trees That Will Ruin Your Yard

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Our yards are more than just spaces outside our homes. Instead, they are a place for us to unwind, gather with loved ones, and an area to grow our favorite plants and trees. Many of us enjoy putting a lot of effort into our gardens. Unfortunately, by choosing the wrong tree, we could put our precious greens in jeopardy without even realizing it.

Sandbox Isn’t a Good Addition

If you hear the name sandbox, turn away because this tree isn’t one you want. There are several reasons why sandbox trees are horrible for any yard. First, they have dangerous spikes all over. Second, they have a unique sap that’s dangerous.

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Animals or people who come into contact with the sandbox’s sap can become very ill and possibly die. Lastly, the tree’s seedpods are interesting, but not in a good way. They have an explosive quality that makes them absolutely terrible.

The Pong Pong Tree Kills

Many people have admired the pong-pong tree without even knowing how dangerous it can be. The lush green leaves and phenomenal size of the tree make it quite eye-catching. However, this tree isn’t as garden-friendly as we might hope.

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The seeds of this beautiful tree are highly contagious. Now, you might think this isn’t a problem. You don’t usually eat the seeds of the trees in your garden. However, we can’t do much to stop birds or squirrels from munching on these green seeds.

Silver Maples Damage Landscapes

Over the last century, silver maples have become increasingly popular because of their resistance to bad weather. However, don’t be fooled by their popularity; these trees can destroy your garden and home. They have extremely powerful roots that overgrow everywhere.

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Many gardeners have shared their regrets about planting silver maples because they destroy the garden. Their fierce roots can damage your water pipes, lift your parking space, and even cause damage to the structure of your home. For secure surfaces, don’t get silver maples.

Avoid the Bradford Pear Stench

These trees carry charming white flowers and nice-looking brown pears. But these alluring features are just a mask because the Bradford pear tree leaves a bad taste and a rotten smell. Although the pears are technically edible, they aren’t very delicious.

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The big issue with the Bradford pear tree is not the unappetizing element of its pears but rather something that lingers in the nostrils. The flowers have a very unpleasant aroma, which makes most people think of a fish market.