30+ Tweets About Being an Adult That Are Both Hilarious and Sad at the Same Time

These Tweets About Being an Adult Are Hilariously Sad

Remember how when we were wee little kids, all we really wanted was to finally be grown up and do all the things we weren’t allowed to do? Can anyone please remind us why we were in such a rush to get here?! Anyway, these hilarious tweets sum up perfectly what it means to be an adult nowadays. Do they make you laugh or cry?

The Real Sponge-Bob

As kids, cleaning might have been a dreaded occasional chore, but as adults, it’s just a terrible fact of life that we need in order to constantly put a tiny dent in the never-ending pile of dishes in our sink.

The Real Sponge-Bob

So, is it really such a surprise that we get excited when we get something new that’s going to make that job just slightly less horrendous? Just like the residents of Bikini Bottom, we, too, get excited about seeing a clean yellow sponge.

The Neverending List

This tweet definitely hit the nail on the head of what many of our adult friendships look like. But it does make us wonder… How did people get along in the olden days before TV was a thing?

The Neverending List

What did they talk about — the latest caveman art exhibit? Okay, that might be a bit too far back. If the Flintstones found things to talk about with each other, we’re sure we could, too, even without TV.

Drink Water and Mind Your Business

Ask most adults, and they’ll be happy to tell you that coffee and booze are certainly great and have their own appropriate time and place. But, the true adult secret is a true and genuine love for the source of life — water.

Drink Water and Mind Your Business

We might need our morning coffee in order to be able to function like a human, but that’s never going to beat the sheer joy that comes from having a cool glass of water after forgetting to drink enough that day.

A Really Good Box

Marie Kondo has taught us a great many things about how to look like we have our life together. But, the thing we’re most thankful for to her is the fact that she showed us that we were absolutely right to keep all those wonderful boxes tucked away in some corner.

A Really Good Box

After all, she’s all about putting things in neatly categorized and organized boxes. So, now we really do have to keep every single one of those great boxes that we found. No, seriously — we’re not throwing any of them away ever again!