These People Belong in the Relative Hall of Shame for Their Totally Unacceptable Christmas Gifts

Photo Courtesy of Etsy

The holiday season is the most delightful time of the year — snow, Christmas trees and lights, gingerbread houses, mistletoes, jingles, and exchanging presents. But, while some presents can put a smile on your face, others may upset you terribly. Today, we’re going to look at the most unacceptable presents people have received from their family.

A Family Present

Do you know what the best Christmas present is? One that everyone can use. Yes, that’s right. Best family value is the first check box to tick. For example, this girl shares that she wanted a laptop for Christmas. However, she ended up getting an antique doll stove in the same price range.

Photo Courtesy of Ladenburg Toy Auction

Of course, she found it rather difficult to manage, being that she was — ya know — 13 years old. It turns out her mother actually had bought it for herself. Thanks, Mom.

Surprise Error

What are the best surprises you can think of this Christmas? We hope it’s not practical jokes, as they can ruin Christmas. This woman shared that she got a Starbucks gift card with no balance and a gallon bag of coffee straws in a ziplock bag for Christmas.

Instagram // @mrskurtenbach

The straws are at least useful, but the gift card was a rude prank. She realized the prank while she went to get the coffee. This is such an embarrassment in public — a completely unaccepted Christmas present.

The Father Instinct

Fathers aren’t always the right parent when it comes to shopping for holiday gifts. Most fathers would get something that fits their taste instead of the children. This girl shared that her father got her a large neon green three-dimensional poster of a dinosaur for Christmas. He thought it would spice up his daughter’s bathroom wall.

Photo Courtesy of Pinterest

This girl was 27 years old at the time, so you’d think that her parents might have gifted her something a bit more fitting for a grown adult woman. At least it wasn’t a unicorn poster — or would she have preferred that?

Always a Step Ahead

Mothers are the best, as they’re always one step ahead of their kids — and they always have a contingency plan ready. For example, this guy shares that his mother got him a car crash kit for Christmas one year. It came with a disposable camera for documenting accidents, a tape measure, and some chalk.

Photo Courtesy of HEAT | Hostile Environment Awareness Training

Surely, his mother has zero faith in him. Even so, Christmas might not have been the right time to remind him. Not the best Christmas gift from mother to son.