These Unsolved Mysteries Plagued the Internet, & So We Decided to Look Into the Details of Each One

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The world is full of mysteries — some natural and others… not so much. People go missing or wind up deceased with no explanation, and unidentified objects go flying through the sky. Mysteries without explanations tend to drive the internet mad, and that includes us. Today, we’re covering some unsolved mysteries that people still wonder about even now, decades after they happened.

The Yuba County Five

The Yuba County Five, a group of five men, were driving home from a California basketball game in February 1978. They were reported missing when they didn’t return home for several days. During a police search, their undamaged car was found 70 miles away from the game they’d attended.

YouTube // @ExploreWithUs

It wasn’t until June that their bodies were discovered in a 20-mile radius around the car. One of them had frozen to death, three had been eaten by wild animals, and one — Gary Mathias — has never been found.

Beaumont at the Beach

In January 1966, three children of the Beaumont family — all less than 10 — went to the beach to celebrate Australia Day with their mother’s permission. They’d gone to the beach by themselves before without incident. They were supposed to return by 2 P.M. that day. By 7:30 P.M., they were still gone.

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After the children were reported missing, a search that involved hundreds of police officers was conducted, but they were never found. The disappearance of the Beaumont children remains one of Australia’s most infamous cold cases.

Brandon Swanson’s Disappearance

May 2008 — Brandon Swanson, 19, was driving home at night but accidentally drove into a ditch. He called his parents to get him, claiming to be stuck near Lynd, Minnesota. His parents stayed on the phone as they came to find him until Brandon shouted a swear word over the phone and went silent.

YouTube // @ScaryMysteries

When the police got involved, they found Brandon’s car near Porter, Minnesota. The car was undamaged, but Brandon was missing, with even sniffer dogs unable to find him. No one knows what really happened to him.

The Springfield Three

In 1992, Suzie Streeter and Stacy McCall had graduated high school and were leaving a party at 2:15 A.M. They planned to visit a water park the next day and decided to stay at Suzie’s house that night with her mother, Sherill.

YouTube // @KY3News

The girls never showed up at the park, and their friends came over the next day to investigate. The house door was unlocked, the home devoid of any of the women. Their cars and personal belongings were still present. Nobody knows where the Springfield Three vanished.