Here Are 30+ Wholesome Memes to Make Your Day

Here Are Some Wholesome Memes to Make Your Day

When times get tough, we all turn to the internet to find something to lift our spirits. Sometimes, it’s videos of pets reuniting with their owners. Other times, it’s listening to happy songs. And then there are those memes that you can’t help but smile at. So today, here’s a compiled list of wholesome memes and posts to make your day a bit brighter!

One Final Wish

Dogs are well-known fans of the sea. Head down to a canine-friendly beach on the weekend and you’re sure to see a dog of some sort chasing a ball, a stick, or its own tail into the surf.

One Final Wish

There’s no image more wholesome than a dog, his blanket, and a sea view. The heartbreaking twist to this image is that it was the last time the pooch would smell the ocean — he passed away shortly after. That qualifies as a 10/10 on the Wholesome Scale for us. RIP, buddy.

An Immortal Feline

If you’re more of a cat person, this is a wholesome story for you. The neverending debate about dogs and cats becomes less important when you realize they’re both as wholesome as each other. Like this lazy creature…

An Immortal Feline

This cat found a bench from which he could watch the world go by day by day in peaceful bliss. Such was his fame, he was immortalized as a statue after he passed away. Unfortunately, the quality of the statue is pretty questionable, earning it a 4/10 on the Wholesome Scale.

Here Come the Super Squirrels

Spiderman. Batman. Squirrelman? While being closely related to the mouse and the hamster, the squirrel holds the title of the ‘cutest rodent’ despite essentially being a hairy rat.

Here Come the Super Squirrels

But, what makes squirrels so wholesome is their ability to impersonate comic book heroes when they leave the safety of their favorite trees — only to land exactly as a superhero would. 8/10, no doubt.

Homemade Pond for the Goodest Girl

While some dog owners take their pet to the beach on their final outing before “crossing the rainbow bridge,” others keep things closer to home if the dog is more introverted (or lazy in the case of a labrador retriever).

Homemade Pond for the Goodest Girl

This family’s labrador was so incredibly lazy, they opted to dig up their entire garden and turn it into a makeshift swimming pond for the dog to enjoy during her declining months. Was it worth it? The pictures say yes. 7/10.

Neighborhood Plumber Goes Pro Bono

One of the most notorious rumors facing manual laborers like plumbers, painters, and electricians is that they overcharge elderly and vulnerable customers who don’t know any better. It’s a bit unfair, but it does happen sometimes.

Neighborhood Plumber Goes Pro Bono

Not this time, though. When this plumber discovered that his 91-year-old client was suffering from a serious chronic illness, his response was to charge her nothing for the work he did, while also offering his services free of charge in the future. A hero for the ages — 10/10 on the Wholesome Scale.

Babies Are Always Wholesome

It’s no secret that pictures of baby animals are a sure-fire way of tugging on the heartstrings and providing major wholesome vibes for anyone seeing them — especially when the animal in question is “ugly-cute.” Speaking of…

Babies Are Always Wholesome

This baby sloth isn’t what we would call “conventionally attractive,” but its baby status elevates its cuteness and wholesomeness to almost stratospheric levels — where looking at it for too long may reduce the viewer to uncontrollable tears of joy. Kermie scores a 9/10 on the Wholesome Scale…

It’s a Comfort Thing

Sucking thumbs is a hugely common comfort habit for children, and it’s rumored that up to 93% of grown adults still suck their thumbs during toilet breaks at the office. Well, it turns out that elephants do it, too!

It’s a Comfort Thing

This elephant not only sucks her thumb (trunk) during long days of elephant activities, but she also has a skirt for some reason. It’s this double whammy of wholesomeness that makes her the benchmark for elephant wholesomeness worldwide! 10/10.

Lil’ Baby Raviolis

Internal organs and wholesome aren’t often words you see together, but rules are made to be broken, especially when baby sea creatures are involved. Just look at these total cuties.

Lil’ Baby Raviolis

These baby stingrays exude a child-like lust for life in their creepy fishy eyes, while the clear outline of their digestive systems is the icing on top of the sea-water flavored cake. However, cats and dogs are still way more wholesome, bumping the baby raviolis down to a 4/10.

Smile for the Cameraman

Nature photographers are some of the luckiest people in the world by virtue of taking pictures of animals for cash. It’s a peaceful, interesting lifestyle, and sometimes the wholesomeness goes into overdrive when nature comes to them — literally!

Smile for the Cameraman

These curious creatures weren’t content with being in these images, but instead wanted to get a “behind the camera” experience to create even more precious photo ops for the ages. The meerkat definitely takes first prize, and the baby cheetah comes a close second. 9/10.

An Unusual Animal Pair

Tsunamis are some of the most destructive events the world has ever seen, with lives and entire countries reduced to rubble when mother nature decides to turn things up. But, there’s always a silver lining if you look hard enough.

An Unusual Animal Pair

This young hippo (known as Owen) was separated from his family after a tsunami in 2004, but soon found solace in the form of the 100-year-old tortoise Mzee (whose name translates to Old Man in Swahili). Mzee took Owen under his wing until Owen was big enough to squash him. Super cute. 8/10.

Okapis Are Cooler Than Zebras

The Okapi — with its blend of a giraffe-like neck, zebra-striped legs, and a deer-shaped body — is a true marvel of nature’s creativity. Add on its weird tongue and velvety coat, and it’s an eccentric beauty.

Okapis Are Cooler Than Zebras

This particular okapi is the picture boy for bringing attention to the fact that his bizarre but beautiful brethren are an endangered species in desperate need of protection. Look at his cute little face and tell us his brothers and sisters don’t deserve the most wholesome of treatments. 7/10.

The Prophecy Has Spoken

Street art and graffiti are some of the key ingredients to human creative expression. From prehistoric drawings to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Banksy, street art tells stories that we would otherwise never see or hear.

The Prophecy Has Spoken

In this case, one of the creepiest cats ever painted was a warning sign that one day a cat may come to steal your soul. Turns out it was actually just a cute neighborhood cat. The real cat gets a 9/10 for wholesomeness, but the street art is a 3 at best.

Red Panda Standoffs

The charming Red Panda is a living testament to the wonders of evolution. With its fiery reddish-brown fur, masked face, and fluffy tail, red pandas are inherently wholesome… even when they’re trying to be scary.

Red Panda Standoffs

These cuties stand on their hind legs and extend their claws when they go into defensive mode, but we don’t think they realize that it actually makes them look even less threatening than normal. Their hilarious lack of self-awareness makes it well worth an 11/10 on the Wholesome Scale.

Life Ain’t a Highway

The story behind this wholesome baby sloth is difficult to piece together. The most likely explanation is that he was traveling on a highway by bus, got out to go to the potty, and then got left behind.

Life Ain’t a Highway

The result is a baby sloth clinging onto a road sign for protection as motor vehicles whiz by. The sheer unexpectedness of the situation only adds an extra layer of wholesomeness to his eventual rescue. The smile takes us into 15/10 territory.

Sheep Can Be Trendy, Too

The perm made its way into the public domain in the ‘80s before going out of style until the 2020s — when post-pandemic culture took a leaf out of decades past. Now, perms and mullets are totally hot, especially when modeled by baby sheep.

Sheep Can Be Trendy, Too

These gorgeous lambs rock their hyper-modern look with extreme ovine confidence. However, trendiness doesn’t necessarily equate to wholesomeness and for that reason, the Valais Blacknose only scores a 3/10. We still love them, though.

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

It’s well-known that birds of a feather flock together. It’s why certain students hang out together at college, why ex-pats form their communities abroad, and why ducklings follow their momma duck instead of joining the local gang of crows. But, then there’s the capybara.

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

The capybara is a friend to all. From monkeys to turtles, birds, and even predators including alligators and crocodiles, the capybara will hang out with anyone who wants a friend. Their welcoming nature scores them a deserving 7/10 on the Wholesome Scale.

Butterflies Fear Nothing

In one of the most bizarre but surprisingly true stories of unexpected relationships in nature, some breeds of butterflies will seek out reptiles so they can drink the salt water that forms on their skin!

Butterflies Fear Nothing

Apparently, the salt is key to the butterfly’s survival, which is neat. The result is picture-perfect wholesomeness that nobody could have imagined. The calmness of the caiman (not a croc, not a gator) adds an extra touch of loveliness. 6/10.

Real or Fake, Doesn’t Matter

Geckos don’t just have specialized toe pads that let them cling to vertical surfaces, defying gravity with ease. They can also regenerate lost tails. But, what makes them so special is their cute little smiley smiles!

Real or Fake, Doesn’t Matter

This gecko has received a special gecko toy for gecko Christmas (which is actually in August) and his smile is enough to melt a polar cap. His joy permeates the entire planet when he is next to his toy, which gives this gecko a Wholesome Scale rating of 23/10!

Back With the Squad

Deer are interesting because they run away at the drop of a hat, but are surprisingly calm when it comes to receiving biscuits. It’s a paradox that makes little sense, but it does result in wholesome moments like this.

Back With the Squad

A hungry deer showed his other hungry deer friends where the best biscuits in town can be found, so he brought them along for a deer biscuit party, which is a sentence so wholesome that it has to score a perfect 10/10 on the Wholesome Scale!

Going With the Crowd

Sheep exhibit a remarkable herding mentality. They naturally gather together, finding comfort and security in numbers. Their cooperative behavior ensures their safety, even if the shepherd isn’t even a shepherd!

Going With the Crowd

That’s right, these sheep accidentally stumbled upon a local jogger and decided to just go with the flow. Legends say the sheep enjoyed being with the jogger so much that the entire herd actually took on the Couch to 5K Challenge to improve their running skills. 9/10.

The Most Unlikely Friends

Everyone loves going to the dog park and seeing dogs being best friends. They play, they frolic, and they look like they’re having a grand old time. But, some dogs don’t settle for normal dog friends.

The Most Unlikely Friends

Some dogs prefer to mix things up and become friends with other species, like this doggy/owl duo. There are some things that you don’t realize you need until you see them, and this wholesome photoshoot is one of them. It earns an 8/10.

Four Horsemen of Wholesomeness

Every once in a while, the planet is blessed with humans who embody the term “wholesome.” They ooze confidence and happiness, and they make the world a brighter place when they share their passions with others.

Four Horsemen of Wholesomeness

The fact that people still adore the Erwin family, still watch Bob Ross videos on YouTube, and still reference the interpersonal skills they learned from Mr. Rogers tells you everything you need to know about how wholesome these four are. 7/10 for nostalgia.

The Perks of Delivering

Being a delivery driver isn’t an easy gig. You work long, hard, and often hot days, following confusing drop-off instructions, climbing flights of stairs, and rushing to meet delivery deadlines. But sometimes, it’s all worth it.

The Perks of Delivering

Can you imagine opening your truck door to see a deer or a herd of corgis greeting you? You’d have to have a Grinch heart not to grin from ear to ear at sights like these. If you’re a delivery driver and an animal lover, it’s a 7/10 on the Wholesome Scale.

Retriever to the Rescue

There are a lot of reasons a momma cat may abandon one or several of her kittens. Serious health issues, the mother cat getting super stressed out, or a litter that’s too big are just some ways some poor baby kitties get left behind.

Retriever to the Rescue

That doesn’t mean that those kittens are doomed, though. Often there’s another kitty willing to step up to the plate — or in this case, the most wholesome golden retriever in existence. That’s one lucky kitten, earning a 10/10.

Wally the Wild Walrus

As a boat owner, you’ve likely considered reasons that could cause your boat to become damaged or, in the worst-case scenario, sink. But, we doubt that a walrus taking it for a joyride was one of your considerations.

Wally the Wild Walrus

It’s hard to be mad at a guy just trying to find somewhere to rest. Who can blame him for being drawn to cool, luxurious speedboats? Thankfully, these wholesome floating couches have saved boat owners a lot of headache, but Wally’s reckless tendencies get him a 5/10 for wholesomeness.

The World’s Best Dragon Impersonator

How many of us have spent time as a child wishing that animals like unicorns and dragons were real? Our young brains conveniently ignore how terrifying it would be to have a massive, fire-breathing creature loose in the skies.

The World’s Best Dragon Impersonator

Real dragons may not be wreaking havoc in the skies — but the great-eared nightjar, a bird in the forests of Asia, is doing its darndest to imitate one, and it’s super wholesome. It earns an 8/10 for being a wannabe Toothless (IYKYK).

What Makes Dogs Excited

Humans spend all their time with dogs wishing that they could understand them. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to talk to them and understand what makes them happy and excited? Well, this camera gave us a glimpse.

What Makes Dogs Excited

The dog got happiest seeing another dog, some pigeons, and its owners flip flops on the front porch. If that doesn’t tell you that dogs are the epitome of wholesome, we don’t know what does. 13/10 for being the best pup.

One-of-a-Kind Toys

Children are extremely creative. We’re not sure what happens to adults to make them lose their imaginations, but kids just have a certain spark that adults don’t, causing them to come up with things like these drawings of monsters.

One-of-a-Kind Toys

Lucky for them, their kindergarten teacher never lost that spark, and she brought their drawings to life. This is the kind of thing a kid would cherish for eternity, which obviously gets a 57/10 on the Wholesome Scale (yes, that’s possible).

Herman the Cat, Expert Mouser

Sure, mouse traps exist to trap the pesky rodents, but ships in the olden days used a much more efficient method — the vicious house cat. These animals are some of the most expert hunters in the world, after all.

Herman the Cat, Expert Mouser

Unfortunately though, like humans, even cats can’t escape the toils of bureaucracy — which is why they needed pawsports (get it?) to travel freely. We want to give it a higher rating due to the adorable pawprint, but that cat is terrifying, earning it a 3/10 on the Wholesome Scale.

A Nosy (Not Hungry) Hippo

Hippos are a quirky bunch. Beyond their hefty frames and occasional grumpiness, they surprisingly have a soft side. They’re all about family, with helicopter parent tendencies and an affinity for “hippo dance parties” in their mud-filled pools.

A Nosy (Not Hungry) Hippo

They’re also quite curious, which is why this little guy couldn’t resist going to see what all of the commotion outside was about. We’d give this a 10/10 on the wholesome scale, but we don’t know if she said yes, which lowers it to a seven.

What Does it Mean?

Feeding the local birds can lead to all sorts of surprises. Sometimes, they’ll bring their friends or family to meet you — and other times, they’ll bring you random objects for reasons that remain unknown because, well, we can’t talk to birds.

What Does it Mean?

Well, well, well, looks like you’ve become the neighborhood bird fashionista! Those birds must think you have a knack for accessorizing. Just don’t go nibbling on elastic bands thinking it’s a new dietary trend. Fashion-forward, yes. Digestively adventurous, not so much! 6/10.

Fabulous Fluffy Cows

Cows, contrary to popular belief, are good for a lot more than burgers and milk. Personality wise they’re like extra-large dogs, and like dogs, they love a good bath. But, who knew that they could look like this?

Fabulous Fluffy Cows

Fluffy cows are yet another thing that we didn’t know we needed so badly. To top it off, the black and white cow has a perfect heart on its leg, earning this a 10/10 on the Wholesome Scale.

The Next Super Villain

Cats are what’s known as a “crepuscular” animal, meaning they’re most active at dawn and at dusk thanks to adaptations that make it easier for them to see in low light conditions. This means they get up to all sorts of antics when their owners are asleep.

The Next Super Villain

The flour on its face makes this cat look like it’s auditioning to become an evil villain in the new up-and-coming superhero movie. Captain Mischievous Mustache here rounds off the Wholesome Scale with a solid 7/10.

Just a Chonky Bee

Bees dance. Bees sting. Bees collect honey. Bees have a queen. These are all common knowledge for most people, but did you know that bees can also get chubby and spend their days looking out the window? Turns out, they can.

Just a Chonky Bee

This wholesome stripy boy has clearly gorged himself on a lifetime’s worth of honey as well as a couple of big macs, the result being a slightly more ‘rotund’ abdomen and enjoyment of people watching, earning a 6/10.

Police Pups Pose Poochily

Police dogs, the fearless and highly trained canines, are huge assets in law enforcement. With their sharp senses and strong work ethic, they help officers track suspects and sniff out substances. But every police dog starts as an adorable, clueless pup.

Police Pups Pose Poochily

These baby police recruits were on the receiving end of a heart-string-tugging photoshoot to commemorate their entry into the paw patrol, and the wholesomeness levels are so high that looking for too long poses a serious threat to your heart rate. 20/10 — be careful!

Jonathan, the Living Legend

Jonathan the Tortoise, a living legend, holds the title of the world’s oldest known land animal. Hailing from the Seychelles, this charismatic giant reptile has lived through several major world events and even seen Lionel Messi win the FIFA World Cup.

Jonathan, the Living Legend

As of 2023, Jonathan is still alive and well at the ripe old age of 191! He received a special cake filled with his favorite fruits and vegetables on his 190th birthday. He’s mostly blind, but he’s still a legend, earning him a 10/10.

Chubby Chinchillas Are Chubby

Chinchillas are the epitome of coolness. With their luxurious, soft fur and acrobatic antics, they effortlessly steal hearts. These little furballs are expert jumpers, love dust baths, and their charm is simply irresistible.

Chubby Chinchillas Are Chubby

On top of that, their bodies are so perfectly round that it’s a bit ridiculous. How can you not be wooed by that much chonk? They’re the cutest circles we ever did see, ringing in at an 8/10 on the Wholesome Scale.

Pony Glamor Shots

Most tourism ads for destinations around the world focus on local culture, notable architecture, sandy beaches, and friendly people. But, when you’re in Scotland and people are bored of seeing pictures of Edinburgh castle, it’s time to think outside the box.

Pony Glamor Shots

In this case, Scotland opted to put its most glamorous shetland ponies in Christmas jumpers and snap some professional headshots of them down the beach. The results are as weird and wholesome as you’d expect, with a 5/10 ranking on the Wholesome Scale.

Napping Anywhere and Everywhere

Pandas are well-known for being one of the laziest animals to have ever ‘walked’ the planet. They refuse to eat anything except bamboo, they avoid mating whenever possible, and they even have tiny brains proportionate to their size. But, they’re still pretty wholesome.

Napping Anywhere and Everywhere

It turns out that the laziness of the panda has far-reaching consequences beyond the survival of the species. It also means you never know where you’ll find a sleeping panda, even if it means nodding off on a tree stump with a dangerous fall below. 1/10 because of danger.

Dogs and Ducks Forever

Dogs want to be friends with everyone. It’s just in their nature, and they struggle to understand that there are some who may not want to be friends with them, like a coop full of ducks.

Dogs and Ducks Forever

Barclay was persistent though, and it paid off when he gained a lifelong friend in Rudy the Duck. Now they take cuddly naps together, which may be even more wholesome than the panda naps, earning a 6/10 on the Wholesome Scale.

Blast From the Past

We can’t imagine how incredibly heartwarming and heartbreaking it would be to suddenly hear the voice of a loved one who passed away years ago. We can’t go through a week without calling our parents for a chat, so 25 years sounds absolutely horrible.

Blast From the Past

We’re just amazed that this kind stranger not only kept the tape but also went to the trouble to track down the OP to give her a little taste of her mother. The kindness of strangers truly is amazing to us.

Got You Covered

Truly, one of our favorite things to see is people being empathetic toward each other and helping each other out just out of the goodness of their hearts. In this case, we see a truly impressive and heartwarming display of women supporting each other.

Got You Covered

It looks like this stranger didn’t even hesitate to go help when she saw that the OP was struggling with her Hijab. It just proves that you don’t have to believe in the same things in order to respect and help each other.

Nights by the Christmas Tree

Wildlife cameras, like silent observers, capture nature’s hidden wonders. With motion sensors and night vision, they show us the secret lives of wild animals, often resulting in funny photos — or in this case, wholesome ones.

Nights by the Christmas Tree

Who knew that wild animals just want to have cool Christmas trees, too? If anything, this person will definitely have unique photos for their yearly Christmas cards sent out to family. The fox staring in wonder earns this a 7/10 for cuteness (and wholesomeness, of course).

Meet Fray Bigotón

It seems like everyone in the world has heard at least one story about a monastery doing something cool and unique. In this case, it involves some Bolivian monks and an adorable stray dog.

Meet Fray Bigotón

Not only is this dog the cutest thing ever in his little monk robes, but the name “Friar Mustache” is one of the best dog names the world has ever seen. Friar Mustache earns himself an 11/10 on the Wholesome Scale simply for not being named Spot or Patches.

Permanent Pet Identity Cards

As humans, most world governments require us to get a form of formal identification — like a driver’s license, passport, or just a general ID card. But, most places don’t require the same for pets, even though they’re members of the family too.

Permanent Pet Identity Cards

That’s not the case in Hong Kong, though. Imagine getting pulled over while driving your hamster to the vet and having to whip out his ID identifying him as Waffle Wong. The cop couldn’t possibly resist letting you go. 7/10.

Flamingoes Ride Out the Storm

There are parts of the world that are prone to natural disasters — like tsunamis, tornadoes, and hurricanes. One of those areas is the southeastern United States, and some have wondered what happens to zoo animals when hurricanes strike.

Flamingoes Ride Out the Storm

Bathrooms are often some of the sturdiest buildings in public places, so in the case of the Miami Zoo, they shoved all their pink friends into one and hoped for the best. The flamingoes staring at themselves in the mirrors in horror earns this a 6/10 for wholesomeness.

Mid-Sneeze Shenanigans

We all know that humans make weird faces when they sneeze. After all, our bodies are trying to expel things at a rate of up to 100 miles per hour, which is bound to lead to some weird facial expressions!

Mid-Sneeze Shenanigans

The same thing happens to animals, and it’s hard not to giggle at the faces these animals made. That poor cat looks like it’s been dealing with allergies for months and is reaching its breaking point. 5/10.

30+ Times Grandparents Were So Wholesome, They Restored People’s Faith in Humanity

30+ Times Grandparents Were So Wholesome, They Restored People’s Faith in Humanity

We’re so lucky to have grandmas and grandpas. In fact, without them, we wouldn’t be here! So, we kinda owe them everything. We hope you have memories of the times your grandparents were so wholesome, they restored people’s faith in humanity. But if you don’t, we’ve compiled a heartwarming list of social media posts and imagery featuring the most loving grandparents demonstrating their love, compassion, and selfless actions.

Say Hello to Your Grandson

Here’s a doting grandfather meeting his brand-new grandson for the very first time. Have you ever seen a grown man so full of love and pride? In fact, he’s not full — he’s positively over-brimming with love, so much so that it’s leaking out of his eyes. The new dad and photographer wrote on social media, “I’ve never seen my dad so happy. Feels real good, man!”

Say Hello to Your Grandson

With a relationship like this and his reaction to meeting his grandson, you know he’s gonna be the World’s Best Grandpa!

Reunited With Grandpa

This young lady hadn’t seen her grandfather in 15 years — and they were both overwhelmed when they were reunited. After lots of hugs, laughs, and smiles, the first thing he did was reach into his back pocket and pull out his wallet.

Reunited With Grandpa

Not to hand over a wad of cash but to show her something money couldn’t buy. In his wallet was a photo of her from when she was five years old. Gramps had been carrying it around with him every day for the last decade and a half.

Baby Elephant Blanket

This story comes to us all the way from South Africa… via the UK. This British lady’s grandchild works on an elephant sanctuary, so when she heard the news that a baby elephant named Khanyisa had just been born, she decided to knit a blanket for her.

Baby Elephant Blanket

When the multicolored blanket finally arrived after four months, Khanyisa was delighted with her prize and walked around showing it off. In fact, Khanyisa was so proud you could even say she was blowing her own trumpet!

First Date

This granddad was over the moon that his granddaughter was taking him out for lunch. So much so, that when her dad phoned him, her grandpa proudly stated he had been up and showered since 7:00 am in preparation for his “date.”

First Date

In fairness, it was possibly grandpa’s first date in half a century! And judging from the smile on his face, it seems like his outing with his grandchild couldn’t have gone any better. All we want to know is if this going to become a weekly tradition!

World’s Snappiest Waistcoat

This dude’s 90-year-old grandmother made him the world’s snazziest waistcoat to wear to parties. The technicolor waistcoat features an African savannah scene made up of lions, elephants, giraffes, and rhinos because she still thinks her grandson is six years old. Bless her.

World’s Snappiest Waistcoat

The front of the waistcoat shows a daytime scene with a dove flying under the blazing African sun. The back of the garment features a nighttime scene showing the moon and stars.

Generation Gap

As the caption shows, this kid comes around several times a day to check in on this lady. He says he visits to make sure she wakes up from her naps. Then, remaining socially distanced, this odd couple hangs out on the porch and chats about life.

Generation Gap

Maybe the kid doesn’t have a grandma of his own, so he found a surrogate. Whatever the case may be, it doesn’t get much more wholesome than this.

Grandpa Crochets Dolls

This cool grandpa has vitiligo, which is a condition whereby pale patches develop on the skin due to the lack of the pigment melanin. In addition to his gorgeous smile, what makes him so cool, is that he spends his days crocheting little dolls who also have the skin condition.

Grandpa Crochets Dolls

Once he’s knitted the dolls, he sends them to youngsters around the world who also have vitiligo. The idea behind his generosity is to make the kids with vitiligo feel better. What a brilliant, unsung hero!

Up, Up, and Away!

Disney Pixar’s Up tells the tale of retired balloon salesman Carl Fredricksen fulfilling his lifelong dream by tying thousands of balloons to his house and flying away to the South American wilderness. Carl’s plan goes well until he discovers a stowaway Boy Scout named Russell.

Up, Up, and Away!

This grandmother and her grandson love Up so much that they recreated the film for her 93rd birthday. Three weeks after this photo was taken, they were discovered alive and well, living with a tribe in the Amazon jungle.


When Jerry’s grandfather was bitten by a spider, he ran to fetch him some ointment. But before he made it out the door, he heard his grandfather mumble something so hilariously wholesome, we barely finished reading the post without crying.


In what Jerry describes as an upsetting moment — or so he thought — Grandpa used his wonderful sense of humor to calm the situation, just like Peter Parker or any friendly neighborhood Spider-Man would.

Consummate Professional

A photography student asked her grandfather if she could take a portrait of him for an assignment. And gramps didn’t just say yes, he said, “Let me just grab my stethoscope and change my clothes. I want to look good if I’m getting my picture taken by a professional.”

Consummate Professional

He returned in his best blazer, shirt, and tie with his doctor’s stethoscope around his neck. The portrait is great but encouraging his granddaughter by calling her a pro is priceless.

Arts & Crafts Gran

Some old folk definitely have too much time on their hands, but it’s okay when they use that time to go the extra mile. Beautifully wrapped presents under a tree are part and parcel of Christmas decorations, but this artsy grandmother actually hand-drew all these wonderful designs on her grandchildren’s Christmas presents.

Arts & Crafts Gran

We just hope that they didn’t rip their presents open to get at the gifts inside, and that they kept the wonderful wrapping paper rather than going on the fire or in the trash.

Grandpa Joins Woodworking Group

This story is as inspirational as it is heartbreaking. When Katie’s Papa lost his wife after 50 years of marriage, it hit him hard. The grieving widower was lost and lonely without his life partner until he joined a local woodworking group made up of fellow widowers.

Grandpa Joins Woodworking Group

The group meets up every month and welcomed Katie’s grandad with open arms. It’s safe to say that socializing and talking with similarly-minded folks has definitely helped improve his life and restore his faith after such a sad loss.

Life Begins at 90!

This trendy grandmother promised she’d dye her hair a shocking shade of pink and would get a Mohican if she ever reached 90 years of age. So, when the big day rolled around, sure enough, she made good on her outlandish promise.

Life Begins at 90!

And doesn’t she look wonderful? Would you believe the punk movement began in the first half of her life?! This lady’s attitude towards life should be a lesson to us all. To quote George Bernard Shaw, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

Gran’s First Tweetle

Bryony might have been born in the Prohibition-era Jazz Age of 1926 and lived through a swathe of technological changes, like television and fax machines and CDs, but she’s no Luddite.

Gran’s First Tweetle

In 2020, the 94-year-old grandmother proudly fired off her first tweet to show her grandson that she was still down with the kids. She even jokes that her only problem with being down with the young ones is getting back up again. What makes it even cuter is that she calls her first tweet her first Tweetle!

Like Grandfather, Like Grandson

This brave hard-of-hearing youngster received a cochlea implant. Of course, the device would improve his life to no end but still, it would take some getting used to. In the meantime, he would surely have felt self-conscious wearing the implant, and that’s where grandpa came to the rescue.

Like Grandfather, Like Grandson

Now, granddad just so happened to be bald, so he had a cochlea implant tattooed on his noggin above his ear so his grandson would feel better. Is this the coolest Pops ever? We think so.

First Family Facetime

After not seeing their grandparents for months and months — presumably during the pandemic — this person’s grammy and gramps finally figured out how to work FaceTime on their computer. And the golden moment was worth waiting all those months for because take a look at grandpa’s face when he saw his grandchild.

First Family Facetime

As for grandma, well, she looks like she’s still getting to grips with understanding this new-fangled 21st-century technology. But, as for granddad… a picture paints a thousand words, and he’s beaming from ear to ear.

Double Trouble

When this lady’s grandson and granddaughter went to different colleges, she was torn. How could she show her love and pride in them both? Wear one college sweater in the mornings and the other in the afternoons? Wear one from midnight Sunday to midday Wednesday and the other from Wednesday afternoon to Sunday night?

Double Trouble

In the end, she had them torn and sewn together to make this brilliant double-college shirt. There was one slight downside to wearing both college shirts… Grandma didn’t know if she was coming or going!

This Is the Way

Sadly, this poster’s grandmother suffers from dementia. But, when they took their Baby Yoda toy along for a visit, grandma instantly fell in love with the little green critter. She seemingly won’t let Grogu out of her sight and has named him Lady Bug.

This is the Way

As well as being the cutest thing you’ve ever heard, it speaks volumes about why so many people love Grogu. Maybe grandma looks after him so well because she’s a secret Mandalorian bounty hunter.

You Shall Go to the Ball

This little cutie drew a picture of her dream dress. Most of the other pictures she’d drawn were stuck to the refrigerator or her bedroom wall, but this one was special. In a secret scheme cooked up by co-conspirators mom and grandma, the drawing winged its way across town. A few weeks later, and after much hard work, grandma showed up bearing gifts.

You Shall Go to The Ball

Grandma had made the little girl’s drawing into this perfect pink, purple, and blue dress. And doesn’t she look just like a princess? Well done, granny!

Kitten to the Rescue

This elderly grandfather was devastated when his beloved cat passed. He didn’t want to replace her as he felt that would have been insensitive. Pining for his dearly departed feline friend, grandpa became incredibly lonely, but the family was not sure what to do.

Kitten to the Rescue

Eventually, he allowed them to find a new kitten after a couple of weeks. The result was this tiny, adorable furball. Just look at how happy grandpa is now. This great photo proves that the company pets provide is a godsend.

Lucky Hat

Every year, this grandmother crochets hats for kids in need. But this particular year, she went the extra mile. When gran was 90 years old, she read in one of the kid’s bios that they were bi.

Lucky Hat

So, she went out of her way to order the magenta, purple, and blue wools that make up the colors of the pride flag and knitted the lucky youngster this fantastic hat. We’re not sure what the green represents. Maybe it represents the jealousy of everyone who didn’t get a hat!

World’s Best Grandma

Twitter user Loly tweeted this heartwarming exchange between her and her grandmother. Sadly, her gran has Alzheimer’s and some days doesn’t even recognize her family. But thankfully, Loly’s gran has a heart made of pure gold, so the love still shines through.

World’s Best Grandma

She didn’t know who Loly was, but she still knew she loved her. Of course, it’s a bittersweet emotion, but it’s a lovely thing that Loly can treasure these moments and hold on to her memories of her dear old grandmother. We’re not crying, you’re crying!

Alvin & the Chipmunk

This spontaneous selfie of an elderly gentleman with a chipmunk on his lap is pretty special in its own right. But, when you consider this is Grandpa’s first-ever selfie with his new phone, it’s even more special. He deserves a Wildlife Photographer of the Year prize.

Alvin & the Chipmunk

We don’t know his name, but we’re going to call him Alvin because he’s definitely down with the chipmunks. How many nuts do you think that cheeky chipmunk has stored in his cheeks? We’re gonna guess 423.

Reel Him in, Gran

This three-year-old boy and his 89-year-old great-grandmother went fishing together. And if you thought that meant a day by the lake, idly passing the time, we have news for you. This unlikely angling duo meant business! Despite being separated by 86 years, they teamed up to catch a fish.

Reel Him in, Gran

The kid hooked it while grandma reeled it in. And the best thing about it is that it was the first time either of them had ever caught a fish. The kid will remember this day forever.

Rock-a-Bye Baby

This granddad made the coolest rocking cradle for his infant grandchild. But far from being a rock-a-bye baby blown to sleep in a tree top by the wind, this boat-shaped crib gently rocks the little one to sleep with the gentle lapping of the waves.

Rock-a-Bye Baby

And you can be sure of two things — first, the baby will grow up to be a sea captain in the Navy. Second, the beautiful cradle will be passed down as a family heirloom for generations.

Grandad’s Surprise Journals

Twitter user @renblankk tweeted to show what her grandfather did for her when she was a toddler. Going by the dates, we’re guessing that Lauren is now in her early 20s. And starting back in 2003, her grandpa filled three notebooks with stories of when he used to babysit Lauren between the age of two and five.

Grandad’s Surprise Journals

The first story was called “Tales of a Two-Year-Old,” and the three-year journal no doubt featured loads of adventures and great days out. Now, that’s dedication.

I Will Always Love You

If this picture doesn’t melt your heart, then we’re afraid we have bad news… you don’t have a heart! This agonizingly expressive photo shows a 100-year-old grandpa holding the hand of his 96-year-old wife in bed. Heartbreakingly, the snap was taken just hours before grandma passed away.

I Will Always Love You

They had been married for a staggering 77 years — which, by our reckoning, means the young couple tied the knot in the late 1940s when Harry S. Truman was President and before Elizabeth became Queen of England.

Don’t Mess With Ben’s Gran

Twitter user Ben revealed his nearly nonagenarian nanna trawls his tweets looking for anyone that’s made mean replies. If she does find any mean replies, she then takes it upon herself to “investigate” those cruel people’s profiles. While it sounds cute, the longer you think about gran going rogue, the worse it gets.

Don’t Mess With Ben’s Gran

What does she do? Does she go around to their house and hit them with her handbag? We’re sorry, Ben; you’re a grown man — don’t let your grandmother fight your battles.

Ivy League Granddad

This proud old-timer collects baseball caps from all of the universities that his grandchildren have attended. We count 18 caps on the wall plus the one Gramps is wearing for a total of 19 grandchildren.

Ivy League Granddad

19 university-educated grandchildren — now, that’s something else. And don’t forget, he might have more grandkids who haven’t made it to university yet. So, his wall of hats might keep growing and growing!

Proud Grandmother

This grandmother has clearly taught her children and grandchildren to take pride in everything they do. So much so, that when her granddaughter unfurled her multicolor flag on the morning of Washington D.C. Pride, grandma noticed it was crinkled and insisted she iron it before she set off for the event.

Proud Grandmother

Nonna immediately set up her ironing board and pressed out all the creases so that her granddaughter could attend the LGBTQ+ event looking even more proud.

Turtle Heaven

One grandpa decided to make a floating dock for the turtles who live in the lake by his house. Why grandpa thought this was a good idea, nobody knows, but this is what happens to people with too much time on their hands.

Turtle Heaven

As you can see, the turtles took to the floating dock like ducks to water as the aquatic creatures seem to love soaking up the sun. Next on grandpa’s list is building a turtle hot tub. We just hope it’s not a turtle disaster!

We Salute You, Gran!

Here’s Jamie’s grandmother celebrating her 100th Birthday. Now, anyone making their centenary is a worthy event, and since she’s from the United Kingdom and this tweet is from 2020, she would have received a telegram from Queen Elizabeth II.

We Salute You, Gran!

But, what makes Jamie’s gran’s special day even more noteworthy is that she’s a genuine war hero. The Aberdeen native worked at Bletchley House on the Enigma Machine, which decoded Nazi messages to help the allies win World War II. Thank you for your service, Ma’am!

Romantic Poet

This is the last note one husband left for his wife before he passed away. He left the romantic poem with his last will and testament so he could be sure that his wife found it. The poem may only be a simple, two-line rhyming couplet, but it’s enough to melt anyone’s heart.

Romantic Poet

Even our hearts are melting right now, so imagine the feelings and memories it must have conjured in his wife when she read it. Note to all men reading this — be more like this legendary husband.

Separated by 100 Years

This lovely black and white photo shows a grandfather celebrating his 103rd Birthday with his three-year-old great-granddaughter. Now, if you’re a rocket surgeon, you’ll have already worked out that this means the pair are separated by a whole century!

Separated by 100 Years

What better 100th birthday present could you wish for than a beautiful, healthy great-granddaughter?! There’s something so special about family generations coming together…

I Want to See the Sea

This grandmother wanted to see the beach one last time before she checked into the hospice for palliative care. So, her loving family obliged by popping her in the back of the car and driving her to the seaside for a surprise mini-vacation.

I Want to See the Sea

And the expression on her face tells you everything you need to know… except perhaps the location. We’re not sure where it is, but hope it’s maybe somewhere exotic like Hawaii or Malibu. Answers on a postcard…

Rainbow Quilt

When this lady’s grandchild graduated, she made them a quilt. But, not just any old American quilt. Because their grandkid is a member of the LGBTQ+ community, she made them this extra special quilt featuring cool rainbows.

Rainbow Quilt

As the poster explained, “She thought the rainbows would be good because I’m gay. My grandparents are new to this whole gay thing, but they are doing their best.” Still, even though grandma is new to it all, she definitely restored her grandchild’s faith in the world.

Are We There Yet?

One social media user’s dog gets really anxious whenever they have to take a car ride. So, their grandma insisted on sitting in the back seat with the frizzy-haired Labradoodle. Well, we think he’s a Labradoodle, anyway. As they drove, all they heard emanating from the back seat were comforting words from grandma like, “It’s okay, we’re almost there, brave boy.”

Are We There Yet?

These words of comfort continued for the entire car journey. What a great grandmother! Not a great-grandmother, but just a superb grandmother.

That’s One Great-Great-Grandmother

This sweet great-great-grandmother is 102 years young. In fact, she was 103 on Valentine’s Day — which is an appropriate birthday considering how full of love she is for her two-month-old great-great-granddaughter. With our Sherlock Holmes deerstalker on, we make that a total of five generations!

That’s One Great-Great-Grandmother

And doesn’t the baby just know what safe, wonderful hands she is in? Have you ever seen a pair of more loving smiles? Even though they are separated by over a century, love transcends all barriers, including space and time.

Dressed to Impress

This 84-year-old grandmother apologized to her grandson and others for making an appearance in her nightshirt. So, her grandson assured her it wasn’t a problem. To make her feel better, he then said that nightshirts looked very comfortable, so grandma scuttled off to her bedroom and returned with a nightshirt for him.

Dressed to Impress

As the grandson said, “It’s not like I could have rejected this generous gift!” So, he popped her nightshirt on, which must have provided a few laughs and made her feel less self-conscious.

It’s a Catastrophe!

This ginger and white cat was really upset when he ripped his favorite toy open. In fact, he was so sad, he called (meowed) it a catastrophe. But, seeing how distraught he was without his toy, Nana soon came to the rescue.

It’s a Catastrophe!

She grabbed her sewing box and quickly started sewing the toy back together again. Check out the kitty as he patiently waits for his favorite toy to undergo surgery… so he can rip it apart again 10 minutes later!

Water Baby

This endearing family photo from all the way back in 1991 shows a grandmother watering her grandchild’s feet from a tiny watering can. Grandpa is directing procedures from his deck chair in the background. Of course, the idea behind grandma’s stunt was that the kid would grow. And someone captured it on film for posterity.

Water Baby

We say “on film” because there were no iPhones back then. Now, more than 30 years later, it definitely worked as the kid stands six feet tall and plays professional NBA basketball. Probably.

Rainbow Sweater

This social media user told their grandmother that they were bi — and it’s safe to say that the kid would probably have been worried about how their gran would react to the news. But a few weeks later, Gran revealed her thoughts when she surprised her grandchild with this excellent rainbow sweater.

Rainbow Sweater

And the best thing is, she’d taken weeks to knit it herself. What better way to show love, compassion, and encouragement for your grandchild in what must have been a challenging situation?

Duck Tales

Some elderly people get stuck in their ways. In fact, many photos of their houses all look the same — wooden sideboards filled with family photos, trinkets, eggcups, and those tiny spoons. But sometimes, being stuck in their ways can be endearing.

Duck Tales

When this kid moved away, their grandma bought them this duck towel for when they came to visit. Fast forward 12 years, and even though the kid is all grown up, grandma still hangs out the same duck towel for them when they arrive. How cute is that?

Proud Grandson

Normally, it’s grandparents who are proud of their grandkids — but this time, it’s a grandson’s turn to be proud of his pops. The two fellas were out fishing from a bridge when another kid’s rod broke. To make matters worse, there were also several knots in his line.

Proud Grandson

The kid was struggling as he had learning difficulties, so grandpa fixed his rod and untied the knots. The grandson posted this photo on social media, saying he had “never been more proud of my grandad.”