Symptoms and Remedies of Low Testosterone Levels in the Body

Strength, muscle mass, and a drive for intimacy are the attributes we generally equate with masculinity. A special hormone named testosterone is the driving force behind all of these. So, lower testosterone levels in the body need to be treated at the onset.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a type of male hormone that belongs to a class known as androgens. It causes the physical characteristics of a male body and the proper growth and development of muscle. The hormone is primarily produced in the adrenal glands and the testes and is involved in developing masculine organs and secondary gender characteristics during puberty. It’s accompanied by a growth spurt in boys and the gradual development of more visible and stronger musculature.

Signs of Lower Testosterone Levels

The side effects of lower testosterone levels start to sneak up on your body as you age. At first, you may start to notice the nonexistence of your muscle-mass gains. A growing lack of interest in sports, and other physical activities is the next alarming indication. Gradual increase in body fat is another result, which further causes fatigue, lack of energy, and lack of excitement in general. Smaller physical appearance, hair loss, mood changes, and depression are also a few worrying signs.

Exercises to Boost Testosterone Levels

Fortunately, there are a few steps to eliminate the symptoms of lower testosterone levels and treat it from the core. Hitting the gym for an intense workout regime is a must here. Exercises involving heavy resistance and large muscle groups with minimal rest between sets are an ideal choice. Compound movements like deadlifts, squats, bench presses, bent-over rows, etc. are helpful too. It’s necessary to stress your body to achieve the biggest hormonal surge. Finally, a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night is the holy grail!

Diet to Boost Testosterone Production

In case of lower testosterone levels, your diet should be focused on the natural production of testosterone and should contain oysters, and fatty fishes like tuna and salmon, which are rich in zinc and high vitamin D, respectively. Eggs are also a must as they contain cholesterol, the building block of testosterone. But you have to be cautious not to overeat eggs as too much cholesterol is bad for your body. Garlic, onions, broccoli, and spinach are other foods that increase testosterone levels. Prescribed supplements can accompany the diet if needed.